How are you meant to heat it up, I used a Liquid Heat Exchanger with lava in and 3 vents, but even 100 Heat didn't heat the steam generator quickly. Is there a better way to do it?

Steam Generator
How are you meant to heat it up, I used a Liquid Heat Exchanger with lava in and 3 vents, but even 100 Heat didn't heat the steam generator quickly. Is there a better way to do it?
Steam Generator with 1mB water need ~ 10 Min on 100 Heat to reach 100C
That slow huh? *sigh*
That slow huh? *sigh*
if reach 100C every sec you get 1000-2000 Steam on 100 Heat
Wow, that's not too bad I suppose. Will it work with say TE's or Railcraft's steam needing things? How do you get super heated steam too?
Wow, that's not too bad I suppose. Will it work with say TE's or Railcraft's steam needing things? How do you get super heated steam too?
today i finisch the Kinetic Generator... this means next days work on Steam Turbine and Steam Superheater *maschine*
The kinetic generator is amazing, reminds me of the Redpower ones
The kinetic generator is amazing, reminds me of the Redpower ones
Multiblock rotor... a nice touch -
Wow, it seems like there are a lot of new features in advanced builds. Must be exciting. I'm really disgusted about my unability to play... =(
advanced builds.
Some of them really aren't. The range of additions to basic starting all the way to end game machinery is great, experimental is really what IC2 needed. Except the E-net. But we have heat and rotation as an energy system too now -
If player adopted GT E-net concept...
the way i see it, the E-net can run on 2-3 variables....
the setup for my thoughts has always been:
TIER-(wattage or phase)
the fact that it needed packets(a change) and the method of construction(specifically the transformers) always made me associate it with AC current(despite it's DC-esque transmission range).e-net wasn't a bad just needs the Experimental treatment.
What's the difference between GT E-net and IC2's?
IC² is lossless, voltageless and transfer power happily regardless. That is a temporary e-net that has been like that for too long...
GT has loss, voltage, amperage and power transfers are dependant on both. Overamperage will fry your wires and Overvoltage will fry both your wires and machines, exploding them. -
So if I understand well, in GT, if you have too much EUs flowing through a wire, it will melt, too high packets will do the same and will fry the machines. But what do you mean by power transfer? Splitting an EU packet into some others?
I succeeded in reaching 100 heat, after several 1000 lava cells, and managed to get lots of steam. But the calcification percentage, which I expected to go past 100% and Thunderdark complain at me for doing, did in fact work, and now it's broken
Hey guys,
i submitted a bug report before i found this thread about the Steam Generator. As you can read here i had an idea how to create a more realistic heat-up curve for the steam generator.
Basically all i did was to take the thermodynamic functions and combine them to calculate the temperature change depending on current temperature and a defined heating temperature.
The equation i got is:temp_change = balance_constant / boiler_heat_capacity * ( heat_temp - current_temp )
The effect would be that the boiler temperature saturates at heat_temp. I think setting heat_temp to around 150-200 degree Celsius would be a good. If the temperature increases too much at the beginning, one could of course set a cap for dT.
What do you think of this Idea?
EDIT: to have the same yield at 100 degree Celsius the variables balance_constant and boiler_heat_capacity can be adjusted. I would recommend to also use this formula for the heating of the water when it comes from the boiler. In that case the two equations would be
temp_change_water = water_boiler_balance_constant / ( water_heat_capacity * water_volume) * ( boiler_temp - water_temp )
temp_change_boiler = water_boiler_balance_constant / boiler_heat_capacity * ( water_temp - boiler_temp )
I hope this isn't too much physics for you. I only registered because i think it would be an awesome change
I hope this isn't too much physics for you.
the whole System use correct Pysik .... with only one simplification ..the heat transfer between water and boiler is independent from size of the contact area...
QuoteHeating up a completely filled Steam Generator to 100°C takes forever.
already tried heat up 3964KG of Copper from 25C->100C + 10.000Liter(if water Tank is full) of Water from 25C->100C
QuoteSacrifice rods? example
no no
i will slow down calcified but the only way to prevent is use distilledwater if i add Steam Turbine
I get your point that heating such a big Volume takes time.
What i wanted to suggest was to change the way the boiler interacts with the heat system.
Instead of getting a fixed amount of thermal energy each tick, one could calculate the thermal energy that would be exchanged each tick and transfer that. This should be capped depending on the heat input.After thinking about it some more time i come to the conclusion that an implementation of a model like this would have some drawbacks. For the system to be 100% physically correct, energy the boiler can accept would be smaller at higher temperatures. Lets say from 25-85 the energy would be >100 heat so it is capped at 100. But after that the heating slows down and at 100 degree the boiler would only accept lets say 50 heat per tick. Here comes the problem with my model:
The heat, the boiler can accept is basically the heat, the whole Steam Generator can accept and thus, the Steam Generator would have to limit the heat it gets from the Heat Exchanger. So when one of the fixed points is to have the same steam production at 100 degree, one would need less heat to achieve that, increasing the efficiency. But with the new system it wouldn't be possible to put more heat in.So with these design flaws, i don't expect to see this implemented.
I am really looking forward to see the whole steam to energy cycle implemented. It is a really great addition!