In MC 1.6.4 and IC2v397, I found that the hotter a reactor gets, the more power it produces compared to how much fuel it's burning, and burns more efficiently. However, today I decided to try the new 1.7.10 version ( IC2v538 ) and see if my design still worked, but it seems that no matter how hot I get the reactor core, the power produced is the same as if the heat is zero. Is this intended? If so, that's a huge bummer. XD

No Greater Efficiency for Higher Heat?
Did you use MOX fuel rods in both cases?
MOX fuel produces more the hotter the reactor core while normal fuel burns at normal rate regardless of core heat.
Ooooooohhhh ... lemme check that.
I see! Only MOX fuel has that effect. Thanks.
Also, I notice that Mass Fabricators now produce 1 mB of UUM at a time. That is NUTS.
All the recipes have been adjusted down though.
Oh really! That's good. I didn't notice, because I haven't done any real survival play in 1.7. I have like 150 mods in 1.6.4, and most haven't updated yet, and many won't until 1.8.
Which mods won't update for 1.7? that is like completely stupid in my opinion...
Unless they do a complete rewrite(like AE2) i don't see the benefit of skipping 1.7
Most mods i consider adding to a modpack have a dev version for 1.7 or are on the verge of releasing a beta/dev version.
I think in 1-2 month most important mods have a stable 1.7.10 version.