I fixed a bug in the eu reader just a couple h ago, make sure to use build 583 or later.
Help with Upgrading IC2
Eu reader no longer crashes but the readings seem funny. wind mills up in layer 130 or so are making 1.5 Eu/t each while Mills 40 layers below are making 3Eu/t each. Also it keeps giving readings in variosu units other than EU/t is that normal? Like pEU/t and mEu/t
@Windmill: I've read that some wind mechanics got altered, don't tell me that you are making the wind stronger on low ground? Cause that is really wrong
Also note that 256 is not the height of the entire minecraft's atmosphere, but the lower end of it. -
On a similar note I seem to be having issue with the rotor. Keeps saying not enough space for the rotor even though the air all around is clear.
Eu reader no longer crashes but the readings seem funny. wind mills up in layer 130 or so are making 1.5 Eu/t each while Mills 40 layers below are making 3Eu/t each. Also it keeps giving readings in variosu units other than EU/t is that normal? Like pEU/t and mEu/t
I always thought the EU-reader guessed how much power was flowing, so it ends up with 7 decimal place values and strange units. Don't think it's quite ready for prime time yet.