Suggestion: Eloraam's Wiring functionality integration

  • I know that what I'm suggesting is basically an idea of cooperation with Eloraam or at least getting her approval to use her code, which is pretty unlikely to happen and possibly offensive to Alblaka.
    As a matter of formality link: Red Power v1.7.1

    Although wires in IC^2 look better then the old IC ones they are still full block entities that require lots of planning and spacious buildings to build a proper wiring, thus they are not very compatible with smaller or rather more compact buildings that I, and possibly some other players, are quite fond of. That's why if IC^2 cables could behave like Eloraam's or Eloraam's cables could be made to conduct EU's it would be simply mind blowing.

    Not sure what else is to said if favor of this suggestion as video in Red Power mod thread shows it all, just imagine how compact and awesome your IC^2 home/factory/secret base/whatever would become with this type of wiring.

    As I stated before I'm not getting my hopes up for this but made this suggestion just in case.

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  • I'm pretty sure someone is already working on making them stick to walls, much like in the red power mod.

    Just graphically or actually making them semi-passable so they won't block the full block they are placed in? Not that I should actually expect answer to that form anyone beside the person who is working on in. Let me just say I hope for the latter.

    As for the painter... all I recall using is the cable obscurator form the old IC, it was pretty helpful but I am the kind of person who enjoy watching his creations evolve and expand and rewiring was even more painful.
    Was it changed in IC^2? Tried a beta for a bit but wasn't able to accommodate as much time as I wanted to test it out thoroughly.

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  • This would be rather difficult to make, but I think it would not be terribly hard to make them compatible with Eloraams cover panels. So your wires can be your walls, but look as if it's a normal wall. Also, could someone possibly make them only have partial collision, like redstone, cakes, and beds do?


    It has become a little stubbly. Implement facial hair growth in IC²? Vision continuously grows more furry until you shave. (approx once every 2 minecraft days ;P)

    Steve shaves with his chainsaw.
    Check out Factorio- A game where you build a factory from scratch.

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    I think it was the changing of the collisions that required the rewriting of the renderer in the first place, which, as I said, is a pretty big job. Would definately need to be confirmed though.

    On another note, I've been told this is a very low priority implementation as the team are focusing on, first getting a strong and bugfree SMP release out, then making a break for 1.8 compatibility, if Notch has ironed out all his new bugs by then. :)