Version 13.12.2018
Mod Upgrade:
Core Mod 1.6.04
Nodal Mechanic 1.1.0-K
Open Computers
Tec Tech 3.3.8
Mod Changes:
-New OC recipes improvement #3157
-Make Open Glass gt recipes #3835
-Cannot craft/use GTNH quartz sand #3843
-new ebf coil recipes
-add new ebf and vac freezer recipes for high tier stuff
-deep iron added to ebf list and vac freezer
-Elite Arc Furnaces only have one output slot #3863
-missing the last one (arc funace wrong otput)
-Coke Oven Brick Dust recipe bug #3869thanks @DualBallers
-Add zh lang file thanks to kiwi
-update Phosphor/Phosphorous (nedd new GT file)
-Oil recipe fix
-normal rubber allowed in luv pump #3834
-UV/UHV Motor are uncraftable #3839
-Can't craft ZPM Dynamo Hatch #3838
-HV energy hatches too expensive #3844
-change color for HV coil
-New EBF Coils 12k and 15k Electrum Flux and Awakened Draconium
-add new temps to materials
-change material enums a bit for new ebf coils
-deep iron added to ebf list
-Some mistakes in GregTech.lang #3853
-Potassium nitrade dust recipe missing ingredients #3855
-MV Output Bus is not possible to craft #3867
-issue with malachite ore (nether version) #3872
-Cannot craft Foresty Copper Electron Tubes in the GT Assembling Machine. #3871
-add cinnabar 2nd mix thanks to kiwi
update zh lang file for GT thanks to Kiwi
-Also allow any number to be used while making ore dict things Better NC panel input/output format and additional book recipe (#1501)
-Update src/main/java/gregtech/api/metatileentity/implementations/
-Update src/main/java/gregtech/loaders/postload/
-Add volumetric flask. (#1500)
-Fix maintenance cover (#1496)
-New public variable init
-Initiated new public variable which is calculate how much damage get turbine rotor per time, its needed to compare with actual rotor durability.
-Fix #1439 and #1456 (#1503) Fix #1439 Fix #1456
-Fix flask gui.
-Add disable sort option for input bus. Default behavior will stay same
-depricate Phosphor
-Fix flask crash on server
Tec Tech
-Add Object input for ass line
-add oredict support for circuits in assline
-UV/UHV Motor are uncraftable #3839
-Can't craft ZPM Dynamo Hatch #3838
-recipe overlap assembly line slots
-In case there is no alt field
-Fix using bad number type in add line recipes...
-fix material Phosphor to Phosphorus in lastest gt version
Recipe changes:
-Cannot craft/use GTNH quartz sand #3843
-fix derp. Oredict cant be input item.
-Update Build-Craft.zs
-start with comb oredict support
-add all Trapdoors to AnimalTrap
-Cannot craft/use GTNH quartz sand #3843
Open Glasses
-recipes not removed via code possible
-Infusion recipe for Charged Silver Caps is missing #3860
Tinkers Contruct
-Clear glass pane EBF recipe bug #3879
Quests changes:
-Assembly Line NEI #3842
-re add mil quest from DualBallas
-[Help] Guidebook localization support. #1643
-update Sleeping bag quest
-Move Space Torches quest to after Rocket Fuel #3880
-add new iron and wooden door quest Oil Sand Quest #3877
-add lang file us for quests

[NewHorizons] Ultra Hard Gregified modpack via Minetweaker and Modtweaker. GT, Thaumcraft, Buildcraft, Witchery, Galacticraft, BloodMagic, Forestry, Better Questing 2,8K Quests
Good day, I would like to know when the GT new horizons updated on Twitch ??. And the game doesn’t work with inventory opening.
Sorry for my bad English.
What happens with the build ?? I opened my inventory for an hour and a half !!!!
Sadly i cant update Twitch anymore. The rules and regulation so strict and impossible for me to ask all mod devs to write twitch and license file. Many mods are abdoned so it is impossible.
The Pack will be updated on Technic and via download
Thanks for the information, and how to update the assembly ??
use the lastest version (client pack) and replace mod/script and config folder or use technic launcher.
Waiting on 1.12
I know. Need to wait a bit longer sorry. My time is limeted sadly
I know. Need to wait a bit longer sorry. My time is limeted sadly
All good is it still like planned by 100% or is there like a 50/50? Even if it takes say a year?
100% planed but not sure when starting.
100% planed but not sure when starting.
Time is never a factor in my books
Take it easy mate will be around when ready
Version 17.02.2019
New Mods
Bartworks 0.3.21
Mod Upgrade:
Core Mod 1.6.07
IFU 1.5
Open Computers
Open Security 1.0.117
Special Mobs 3.3.1
Tec Tech 3.3.9
Waila Plugins 0.2.1
Witching Gadgets 1.2.9h
Mod Changes:
-Name fix for Raw Casing/Cell
-Russification new sentences for EMT
-small graphical update (tooltips adjusted) to provide clearance
-made tooltips on EMT solars coherent
-added the real output power of the Essentia Gens to the tooltip
-updated the de_DE.lang
-Did block blacklisting smarter so it uses less server load.
-move neutronium ebf to max tier
-Helium from Aurora Blocks [Suggestion] #3929
-mica insulator in awakened coil to 40
-IV Mainframe recipe is wrong. #3924
-add new Item Raw Neutronium for Neutronium Process.
-renerf quantium ebf recipe
-change circuit to 11 because it use a fluid/gas (neutronium)
-Suggestion: Modify SMD Diodes #3945
-GT Block of Cobalt can't be crafted #3888
-Magnalium Recipe Bug #3946
-Brick dust recipe change #3868
-Thick Neutron Reflector wrong recipe(It don't show on NEI) #3962
-change resistance from Reinforced Blocks be similar to gt change harvet level as well
-fixed Venus Blocks OreDict Issure
-added blockOlivine as blockPeridot in OreDict
-Endium Blocks cannot be broken back down into ingots #3957
-Hazelnut Wood not working to make heavy oil in pyrolyse oven #3956
-change Neutronium Mixer recipe to zpm
-add uhv cutting machine recipes for power ics
-add fusion mk 4 recipes to core mod
-removed unused bat file
-Fix flask crash on server
-More Osmiridium Wires per recipe,
-Lower Osmiridium and Europium wires in Motors
-Adjust a few Fusion recipes
-remove europium from pure generation on Planets
-Add simple mass overrides for replicator
-reactor coolant change
-[2062]assembling machine energy-dynamo hatch mistake #3907
-Deep iron can still be smelted #3900
-Clear glass recipe inconsistencies #3895
-redid small boiler logic, added blocks, added diamond
-rescaled burn value of coal coke to 3200 instead of 6400 in small boilers
-added everything burnable else
- that is not in a bucket or cell (No Fluids)
- has at least 2000 burntime (No Wood/Saplings)
-[] Phatlic Acid recipe consumes second cell #3938
-fix lce 9x output
-add wiremill recipe for Fine Wire Americium recipe
-Input grid in 9-input assembler is not centered to items #3865
-change hardness from the Reinforce Blocks to be core mod equivalent
-add missing Core mod reinforced blocks to gt
-restore compability for mods (superconductor wires)
-reroute Superconductor to SuperconductorUHV and mark Superconductor as Deprecated
-also fixes a possible NPE in dev enviroments
-MV lathe requires industrial diamond? #3980
-No machine automated recipe for Iridium-Tngstensteel Reinforced Blocks #3961
-Changed Crops
-Buffed Lemon crossbreed chance to a reasonable rate
-Buffed Oil Output from Rape since IC2 crops cant be sprinklered like Pam's
-Buffed CompressedPlantball recipes to use less Crop Drops since they are rarer than other stuff
-Buffed Milkwart to always produce a dust instead of a small dust in the extractor, this reflects the chanche of the Fluid Extractor recipe
-adding the liquid fuel back for campatibility reasons (GT++)
-Change fuel requirements
-Increase stone chances. Increased small ore for silver, realgar, zinc. Decreased density of some oreveins. Increased orevein percentage to 100%
-Fix problem with genertor leaving 1L and IC2 universal fluid cells providing random EU.
-Re-enable filling containers from generators.
-Lower densities for rest of ores.
-Fix for oreveins not always taking on color of surround GT stones.
-oreveins were being placed first, changed to now place GT stones first.
-Increased GT stone changes again. Added feature that GT stones will now replaced hardened stained clay and cobblestone in the worldgen. -This will allow small ores and potentially oreveins to be seen higher up in mountains and in canyon biomes.
-Add support for placer ores, including config options for enable/disable and density.
-Increase orevein height to 9 layers. Give small ores a free 1 fortune boost to compensate for lower orevein densities.
-Fix copper tin orevein to be 80-200, not 180-200. Minor orevein optimization.
-Add more messages during startup so players know things are working.
-change Neutronium comb recipe use more eu/t now
-changed processing time and tier for cosmic neutronium, infinity catalyst and infinity
-add materials Curium, Californium and Flerovium
-add new fusion recipes mk 4
-fixed NPE related to custom materials, might break their language support.
-restored compability for the Driller Base
-Update assemby line info in nei for scanner recipes
Special Mobs:
-Fixed internal MCP code usage.
-Pain will now trigger death events properly.
Tec Tech
-fixed ur thing (#12)
-moved gtnh circuits in if clause and disabled non-existant circuit
-change Nano circuit recipe
Witching Gadgets:
-add more Materials to Blacklist
Recipe changes:
-replaced dremcraft and ic2 item casing by gt (in bq and script)
-Solar Pannel nerf
Bio o Plenty:
-Bamboo (Sticks replacement) have no burnvalue #3978
Clear glass recipe inconsistencies #3895
Core Mod:
-Fix Neutron Reflector Parts
-No machine automated recipe for Iridium-Tngstensteel Reinforced Blocks #3961
Extra Utilities:
Fix can't craft Bedrock Drum Because don't use the ore dictionary,can't make Bedrock drum
-added mortar recipes for cooked/uncooked minced meat - issue 4039
-Add recipes for disabled Harvestcraft cooking tools #3878
-Can not craft the OC:CHARGER in #4067
Magic Bees:
-Thaumcraft's research Magic Bees's frames introduction #3939
Project Red:
-Indigo dye needs Blue Illuminar recipe #3896
-Assembler recipes needed for HS booster and HS transition track #3933
Steve Carts:
-change chest pane recipe from steve carts
Tainted Magic:
-tainted magic messed up after 2.7 #4030
-fix broken Tainted magic page
Tinker Construct:
-add cobalt ingots and nuggets back to smeltery
Config changes:
-correct server properties
Core Mod-
No machine automated recipe for Iridium-Tngstensteel Reinforced Blocks #3961
Ender IO:
-Eener io tp is now 2 secs cooldown like the quest book said
-add 4 item to protein vanilla porkchop, beef, chicken, fish
-changed europium mix to uranmix
- Updated gregtech orevein percentage to 100 in prep for changes.
-update GT cfg
-Updated IFU config with blacklisted blocks to prevent mineshaft/dungeon exploiting.
Witching Gadgets:
-update WG config
Quests changes:
-update translate able version to
-Major update with new IC2 quests and PTFE quests.
-Re-ararnged some quests to make better sense.
-Fixed minor typos. Added super tank 2 and 3 quests.
-Addeed some more info for newbies to understand pipes and water generation.
-Added printer quest for Seismic Prospector.
-Added info on steam outputs cannot be blocked.
-Removed outdated oil cracker info.
-Added info on more ways to get gallium and arsenic.
-add new Quests for Bartworks thanks to @bartimaeusnek
-correct Windmil quest (hardened clay amount)
-add new ebf coil quests for 12k and 15k coils
-add quest early on about mushroom islands #3932
-Quest 1200 Plasma Generator should ask for a lower tier dynamo #3931
-New ore mix quests #3887
-Add Kitchenware 2.0 Quest (HV Age)
-fix quest "Radon Decay"
-added chinese quest file. Thanks to Kiwi
-Cant complete the Crossbow-Bolt Quests #1154 and #1156 #3884
-Quest ID 1156 Not Completing (iron tiped bolts) #3808
-Add a few more Quest like Ironwood Tools and Armor or Canopy Tree quest.
-moved redstone quest to after upgrade 2.0 so players find out about cauldron cleaning sooner and can clean redstone for their ore wand
underground fluids quest after moon.
-updated ic2 crops starting quest
-Tips for monsters
-Railcraft boiler tips
-Backpacks config option to wear backpack
-Bees breeding - Need purebreed bees
-tier 0 quests for tips on dealing with infernals and other monsters
-spectre glass for nether portals, spectre key, spectral armor
-stairs quest
-Openblocks fan quest
-EBF tips
-A bunch of new pam's foods quests
-enderio magnet
-Added some base tier coins quests for animal products like leather/wool/eggs
-Added flood gate quest
-correcting coin amounts and change some minor quest stuff
-seismic prospector - added that it also finds ores.
-added quest that tells you ball of moss is not shown because of thaumcraft
-added quest talking about alternatives to aluminium gravel ore.
-Made Alu gravel no longer required to progress Making Better Tools
-re-arranged Quest in MV and HV
-Add a few new Quests like PVC, Field Gen I, Power ICs and MV Motor
-add more quest for uu mater and replication
-quest 1078 and 1079 need to change #4031
-Add a GT crowbar quest #4052
-fix description of quest 1703 and correct some Chinese translations
-update questfile (us) to lastest Questfile
-Tetrahedrite unlock, made redstone mainline
-made iron tipped bolts and ticon Forge tools generic
-fix Large Bronze Boiler quest-
-set oreberry coin rewards to 10
-added some new coins rewards and adjusted others
-AE System - Cables #184 reward is a T5 EV lootbag #4058
-Add Quest: Basic Electric Oven #4054
-Rubber armor repair recipe or quest #4049 -
In your next build will "nevermine" ??
Good evening, can I find out where the quest scripts are ?? I want to translate the quests into Russian.
the quest files in config/betterquesting and if you using the translated ones in ressources/mincraft/lang
Version --- 08.03.2019
New Mods:
Controlling 1.0.0
Mod Upgrade:
Avaritia 1.15
Bartworks 0.3.22
Core Mod 1.6.10
Crops++ 1.3.2
Crop Load Core 0.1.3
GT Tweaker 1.7.1
IC2 Nei Plugin 1.2.2
Loot Games 1.0.17
SpecialMobs 3.3.2
Tec Tech 3.6.10
Witching Gadgets 1.2.9i-GTNH
Mod Changes:
-Added Radox + Bartworks
-changed forge's maven to overminddl1's maven
-should also host IC2 etc.
-added recipes:
-add second input slot to cutting saw
-DEV ProjectRed Suggestion #4166
-GregTech Wrong Circuits in Recepten LuV,ZPM,UV #4128
-Change ore mix of pure Ti/Cromite to Imlenite/Cromite
-Change ore mix of bauxite/bauxite to bauxite/ilmenite
-Change recipe of Magnesium chlorine + sodium to give back 9 small magnesium dusts
-Change the ebf recipe of titanium to require EV in the ebf instead of HV
-Change the recipe of Tungstensteel/Tungsten to require EV in the ebf as well
-Change the recipe of HSS-G coils to require 144L tungstensteel instead of tungsten and take 7680eu/t in the assembler
-Change the recipe of naquadah coils to require 144L HSS-G instead of tungstensteel
-Change recipe of Naquadah coils to require 30720 eu/t,
-Change recipe of naquadah alloy coils to use 122880 eu/t in the assembler
-Change recipe of fluxed electrum coils to use 500000 eu/t in the assembler
-Change recipe of Awakened drac coils to use 2000000 eu/t in the assembler
-changed high tier material ebf temp to 9,9K and 10,8K
-rockets now better tiered t1-8 1=HV 2=EV 3=IV and so on
-Add login message handler
-Add new Garnet based crop PNGs.
-added moron's garnydinia
-added the lens
-refractored the code and removed Opererators from CropLoadCore
-fixed GarnydniaCrop crashing NEI-plugin
-removed wronly implemented getCropInformation()
-added documentation to Speigers ICropCardInfo
-removed comments
-fixed localizer cppLense
-removeal of Axe for base entites
-streamlined single block NaquadahReactor
-fixed basegenerator for naquadagen
-redid the naquadah override to an universal solid fuel function
-Add fortune bonuses to miner and multiblock miner.
-Fix for pipes left with 1L when splitting.
-Add alumite material and generate GT tools.
-fix(magical energy absorber): crash in scanAvailableAspects
-Adds null checks and bound check when getting aspects list from an aspects container (jar or addon euquivallent)
-add a second intput slots to the cutting saw to add a circuit
-add nei support for the second cutter input slot
-Wooden pipe recipe #4187
-[suggestion] additional gt decorative plates #4185
-restored compability & removed duplicates
-added more adding methodes to the cutting machine
-Construction Foam plate #4175
-HOG (high octane gasoline) buff [RFC] #4168
-LV Energy Hatch Recipe Suggestion DEV #4159
-Grammar/Spelling in Achievement #4141
-Achievement Misspelled #4139
-As a tic/gt material to use the Ichorium #4130
-New coil rebalance (1200K+) #4126
-Change ore mix of pure Ti/Cromite to Imlenite/Cromite
-Change ore mix of bauxite/bauxite to bauxite/ilmenite
-Change recipe of Magnesium chlorine + sodium to give back 9 small magnesium dusts
-Change the ebf recipe of titanium to require EV in the ebf instead of HV
-Change the recipe of Tungstensteel/Tungsten to require EV in the ebf as well
-Change the recipe of HSS-G coils to require 144L tungstensteel instead of tungsten and take 7680eu/t in the assembler
-Change the recipe of naquadah coils to require 144L HSS-G instead of tungstensteel
-Change recipe of Naquadah coils to require 30720 eu/t,
-Change recipe of naquadah alloy coils to use 122880 eu/t in the assembler
-Change recipe of fluxed electrum coils to use 500000 eu/t in the assembler
-Change recipe of Awakened drac coils to use 2000000 eu/t in the assembler
-T2 and T3 Rockets now tiered to EV/IV
-tiered t3 rockets to iridium(IV). Mars stone ia s iridium source
-rockets now tiered t4-8
-Muffler Hatch (MV) Recipe Incorrect #4207
-Faster saplings -> wood pulp #4210
GT Tweaker
-two input sawcutter support for GTNH
Loot Games
-Stop worldgen for entrance if block to be replaced is non-solid
Special Mobs
-Just used a generic damage source, as opposed to an indirect one.
Tec Tech
-Really Ultimate Battery recipes is lack #4204
Witching Gadgets
-remove gallium and add ichorium to black list
Config changes:
-Ganymed have now samll osmium
Recipe changes:
-Gregtech Stone Chisel Compatibility
-Left Abyssal Stone in the Black Granite group instead of moving it to the Basalt Group by popular demand.
Storage Drawers
-add storage drawers to assembler thanks to Drags Team
Quests changes:
-Quest ID 1637 Storing the Fluids (ProjectRed) Retrieval Task Change #4181
-Too many items required? Quest 1814 #4170
-add new healing axe buying quest
-Quests 1782-1786 cannot be competed #4190
-MV Solar quest ingredients - wrong wire flavour. #4123
-issue regarding fired clay water buckets and cauldrons #4160
-Impossible quest in Witchry #4155
-Quest 84 Where can I put all the liquids doesn't actually craft a tank #4153
-Coins Quest 1044 - Iron (III) Chloride #4151
-Fix HV and MV miner quests, have incorrect EU/tic #4150
-Adjust butcher knife quest so it accepts any butcher knife, not just iron #4147
-Quest 755: Better Than Duct Tape Recommendation #4142
-Change tungstensteel unlock quest #4138
-Quest ID 553 Diesel Fuel #4193
-update quest book for new ti changes and ebf changes
-fix ichorium ingots
-Marble cobble should not be part of Nickel quest #4209 -
Можно ли как - то упростить перевод ??
В каком плане? Спрашивай, если есть конкретные вопросы, отвечу.
В каком плане? Спрашивай, если есть конкретные вопросы, отвечу.
Когда перевожу квесты то всегда сталкиваюсь с броблемами, то не переводится текст то все квесты исщезают. "Квесты перевожу для себя."
Не понял. Не переводится в смысле не понимаешь как перевести?
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