I'd really like the sprint boost and high jump to also allow me to step up one-block-high steps without having to jump, but only when sprinting or holding the boost key. Is that a thing that could happen?

Quantum Armor Uphill Step Assist?
Well stepassist is a twosided thing it helps you with walking though the world but also it blocks you with some things...
I you have to constantly have to switch the mode / keep a key pressed it is more a downside then a upside... -
well. i think he means you get uphill step assist, but if you don't want it, you can turn it off, too, so it doesn't block anything.
Toggleable uphill assist is fine by me. I can have it enabled while traveling outside and disabled while in my base.
So, yes, i'd like to see something like this. Since this is not that much of a deal, it could be part of the nanoboots.
Toggleable uphill assist is fine by me. I can have it enabled while traveling outside and disabled while in my base.
So, yes, i'd like to see something like this. Since this is not that much of a deal, it could be part of the nanoboots.
Well true... Nothing against it which is worth of talking about xD
But instead of adding it into the boots just use the addon from the Forecaster which applies the step assist to the Player itself (do not know about the toggle thing) and it it is a client sided mod also...
That would be way easier to use if you want to use Step assist also you do not need to wear armor for that. -
But instead of adding it into the boots just use the addon from the Forecaster which applies the step assist to the Player itself (do not know about the toggle thing) and it it is a client sided mod also...
That would be way easier to use if you want to use Step assist also you do not need to wear armor for that.Yeah, but that addon is a movement assist cheat
I'd like to have my step assist legitely.
Yeah, but that addon is a movement assist cheat
I'd like to have my step assist legitely.
Step assist is a cheat by itself you can not really say boots help you travel higher... Because they do not make you really much bigger at all... High hells would maybe make it but would you wear 50 cm high hells for that? -
You're now discussing realism, that is another story.
Even minecraft has his own rules... Players are 2 blocks tall, They can jump (by their own) 1 block high...
Well can you just go on a barricade that is half that tall then you with shoes that prevent damage on you?
I do not think so i mean even without realism there is still the own mc rule^^"That is nothing agains stepasist at all. I just do not like the fact when you add generally step assist that it is called cheating and the other not...
Because all that stuff is not hard to get. You can get it always after your first mining trip.. Even if you did not find diamonds... -
I just meant that stepassist without having to use something is a cheat. Pretty much like flying without a jetpack (it is possible with cheats).
There's an item called "Piston Boots" from the "Adventure Backpacks" mod which is what gave me the idea. They let you step up 1-block jumps, but only when sprinting. This is great, so I can get around the outside better, but not keep jumping up on my machines indoors. However, they don't offer much protection and I can't wear them and the Quantum Boots at the same time.
And yes, I agree about cheats; I want to have to make an item to do this.
Piston Boots is genius idea xDDD Yeah that make step assist really realistic even if you do not want to... xDD
And in combining with tech its really not that hard todo it is also a indirect jump xD
Nothing to complain anymore xD And well i do not use step assist anyway... -
Reminds me of spring boots, boing.
quantum boots allow you to jump 5 or 6 blocks high, so it's only logical that they offer uphill step assist, too. and if it uses a few EU everytime you use it.
Necroposting, but still, it's a worthy suggestion.
It would be very useful, but also a little OP because it's faster. It should be configurable, like other features, so that server owners can make it have less OP-ness if they desire.
Just remember: We're talking about Quantum Boots here, one of the most endgame Items in IC2, so don't argue with it being OP.