I really like BloodAsp's idea.
It's probably best if could get on IRC sometime during the evening since most people connected to Kirara are gathering here (esper.net, #kirara).
New server based on gregtech 5 unofficial - read inside
Ill log on later this afternoon - just need to get hold of kirara admin and hear what he thinks about it all.
If thats not possible ill have to continue this server.
Server online as promised - hopefully we can find a solution with Kirara admins but this is online for now as promished.
Final pack for multimc: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.…893/Lardy_noressource.zip
white-list enabled so ask for whitelist here in thread or connect to ts @ mc.retrolan.dk pw: 4thewin
Server online as promised - hopefully we can find a solution with Kirara admins but this is online for now as promished.
Final pack for multimc: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.…893/Lardy_noressource.zip
white-list enabled so ask for whitelist here in thread or connect to ts @ mc.retrolan.dk pw: 4thewin
Could you withe-list me? My MC-username is dohvakin97
Could you withe-list me? My MC-username is dohvakin97
you have been added to whitelist
Not sure what the mod is called but how do you feel about extended bees options and extended tree species? Would it break the balance of the server?
Resource bees alredy in GT5U.
However you can disable them in config if it looks to OP. -
Resource bees alredy in GT5U.
However you can disable them in config if it looks to OP.They got nerfed.
White list please
you are now whitelisted
Some suggestions to make the server more difficult:
1. Disabling the Galacticcraft compressor and electric compressor. Everything they can produce is also producable in the GT implosion compressor, but their recipes are harder, since their use GT plates and industrial tnt, the heavy duty plates recipes also fit way better inside the tech-tree.
2. changing the recipes for the other rocket parts with minetweaker, so that the tier 2 and 3 rockets require high-end materials, like tungstensteel or for the tier 3 rocket even americium.
3. Maybe use the HSS alloys in most GT high-end machines, such as the Processing array, nulear reactor and nuclear reactor chamber.
4. Nerf the plutonium veins by replacing the Plutonium with uranium 235 or 238 ore. 400-500 plutonium from veins is enough to produce renewable 600 EU/t ; that seems OP
5. lowering the weight of mars naquadah from 10 to 5 ; remember that one normal naquadah or is worth about 100.000.000 EU and enriched naquadah give about 400.000.000EU and Naquadria. So one normal naquadah ore is like running the D-T fusion for maybe 20 min and you can get more than thousand ores from one vein. -
Some suggestions to make the server more difficult:
1. Disabling the Galacticcraft compressor and electric compressor. Everything they can produce is also producable in the GT implosion compressor, but their recipes are harder, since their use GT plates and industrial tnt, the heavy duty plates recipes also fit way better inside the tech-tree.
2. changing the recipes for the other rocket parts with minetweaker, so that the tier 2 and 3 rockets require high-end materials, like tungstensteel or for the tier 3 rocket even americium.
3. Maybe use the HSS alloys in most GT high-end machines, such as the Processing array, nulear reactor and nuclear reactor chamber.
4. Nerf the plutonium veins by replacing the Plutonium with uranium 235 or 238 ore. 400-500 plutonium from veins is enough to produce renewable 600 EU/t ; that seems OP
5. lowering the weight of mars naquadah from 10 to 5 ; remember that one normal naquadah or is worth about 100.000.000 EU and enriched naquadah give about 400.000.000EU and Naquadria. So one normal naquadah ore is like running the D-T fusion for maybe 20 min and you can get more than thousand ores from one vein.All this is implemented now - only waiting on the hss recipe changes once we talked about it. Rest is done.
All this is implemented now - only waiting on the hss recipe changes once we talked about it. Rest is done.
Here are some recipe suggestion, just for the Galacticcraft rockets. If you like them, I´ll do more.
Tweaked alot of items/recipe - nerfed most railcraft items (disabled blastfurnace and rock breaker) - balanced orespawn a little. Nerfed many bc items aswell such as pump and tank.
Remember people, write here to get whitelisted, or contact us on teamspeak mc.retrolan.dk password: 4thewin
- the server is well-balanced around the newest GT5u
This server continue to run but I recommend people to play on Kirara Raborn - dont want to split the player base and aslong as kirara is online and stable i see no reason not to play there instead - you can find thread in this forum.