This is a simple addon allows for wireless transfer of EU (also compatible with RF).
- In order to use the mod, you must place an Electromagnetic Field Stabilizer (EMFS). This block is required for all wireless networks.
- Using a Frequency Loader on an EMFS will cause it to store the EMFS's frequency.
- Once you have set up an EMFS, you can start using Wireless Receivers and Transmitters. These can transfer up to 16k EU/t per node (with default configs) and must be placed within 32 blocks of the EMFS.
- The frequency of transmitters/receivers can be set using a frequency loader that is bound to an EMFS.
- If the EMFS or any of the nodes are not loaded, they will not function.
- There is no power loss.
- There is no limit to how many transmitters/receivers you can have and no limit on the amount of power that can flow through a network.
- This addon is fully compatible with RF and Speiger's IC2 Classic.
- Receivers output T1 voltage, and in IC2 Classic (with default configs) they can output up to 512 packets each carrying no more than 32 EU/t (16k EU/t max).
- 0.1.0: Added multiple packet support for IC2 Classic.
- 0.1.1: Optimized IC2 Classic multiple packets.
- 0.2.0: Fixed server crash bug and reworked renderer.
- 0.2.1: Config file.