I need some help with mass fabricators and MFSUs..
I have 22 Mass fabricators which are powered by this Solar Farm (11k solar panels)
I use solar flowers with 13 per flower. I have a MFSU every 2 solar flowers.
This is the wiring to the mass fabricators in my factory. Each wire contains EU from 4 rows of 18 solar flowers which is around 500EU/t
Each of these wires supplies 2 MF's. As seen here.
There is a MFSU ontop of a MF for when night time is about.
I don't want them running 24/7 as my storage space would run out pretty quick.. I have placed levers on the sides of the MFSU which stopped EU from being transmitted to the MF's but once it was full, it began to supply power to MF's.
Any help on how to stop MF's from creating matter without breaking cables (Which I've done in the above picture) would be great.
P.S If you guys want, I can take SS's of my entire factory and storage system None of which are completely done yet still in the creating power sources still