That is sexy thanks for the info Fire. Darn forums could not quote you without doing what you did
copy to main Post
I'd love to try it out., but how do I use the early release? It seems to be like the reactor and you put the other blocks around it right?
ok a little explanation:
V 2.0 DEV001 include 5 components
Force Field Generator Core ( 1 Dirt)
FF Generator Storage Upgrade (3 Dirt)
FF Generator Ranges Upgrade (1 Sand)
FF Generator Core Injektor (2 Sand)
Force Field Cube Projektor ( 2 Dirt)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Force Field Generator Coreas the name implies, the Core of the Force Field Generator
Storage 1.000.000 ForcePower and have 8 Blöcks EneryTrasmit Range
Gui to chance the Power Transmit Freq.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FF Generator Core Injektor
place it below the Force Field Generator Core so it will work
conntect to IC2 Power up to EV to convert EU into Forcepower 1 EU = 10 Forcepower
Need Redpower to convert !!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FF Generator Storage Upgrade
place around the core at the same height ( The Core have 8 Upgrade slots)
Expant Forcepower Storage by 250.000 per Modul.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
FF Generator Ranges Upgrade
place around the core at the same height ( The Core have 8 Upgrade slots)
Expant Power Transmit range by 2 (8,16,32,64....)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Force Field Cube Projektor
first implement Projektor set Revice Power freq to link with Force Field Generator Core
If range Core <-> Projektor inside Core Transmit Range
Use Gui for change Mode ( totime only mode 1 = Cube Mode) and radius of the Cube
Use Redpower to aktivate.... -
I found a smal bug in the server version.
On Startup Modloader say's this is then 2.0 Client Dev001 version and not the 2.0 Server Dev001 version...Edit:
On SSP works fine, SMP not testet yet, but there is one big problem (hope i's a bug and not a feature)
you cannot use Solar Generators wich are in a forcefield... -
On SSP works fine, SMP not testet yet, but there is one big problem (hope i's a bug and not a feature)
you cannot use Solar Generators wich are in a forcefield...Oh dear, Do you think we can get Non-UV shielded Force Fields?
Oh dear, Do you think we can get Non-UV shielded Force Fields?
Ah it's a UV-Protector
Bye the way, if you turn the Shield on save your game, reload it then the turn your Field off the "Force Field blocks" are still there... -
Also, if you're projector is destroyed, the blocks don't disappear. Ergo, if you protect your spawn and the generator gets destroyed... Well, you ever wanted to live in a box? An invincible one? Yeah...
Also, it doesn't withstand nuclear weapons. They blow right through the field. I was practicing with Rocket Science and managed to trap myself, so...And I think the reason the solar panels don't work is because the force field registers as regular blocks.
New Version DEV 002 is live online.
Dome Mode for Cube Projektor and new Projektor Typ inculde...
QuoteBye the way, if you turn the Shield on save your game, reload it then the turn your Field off the "Force Field blocks" are still there.
Have you or a Addon chance the ForceField blockid (default 254) ???
SSP or SMP ???
Can you post you "ModularForceFieldProjector.cfg" -
254 and 255 are used. Modloader said me that so i picked 213 and 214.
Modloader said nothing so i guess it worksThe same problem apaers also like Andellmere discribes it. And if you turn a generator off and changes the Range very fast, before the blocks dissapear...
Problem is SSP - SMP not testet yet. -
BUG in DEV002 found:
the modes 2 - 4 are using the id , even if you change it in .cfg mode 1 is working correct.
I think so because in mode 2-4 the blocks have the texture of the mining well vom BC... -
BUG in DEV002 found:
the modes 2 - 4 are using the id , even if you change it in .cfg mode 1 is working correct.
I think so because in mode 2-4 the blocks have the texture of the mining well vom BC...ok wait fixing fast
... look for 003
QuoteThe same problem apaers also like Andellmere discribes it. And if you turn a generator off and changes the Range very fast, before the blocks dissapear...
Problem is SSP - SMP not testet yet.OK
my PC ist to fast between put offline and blocks dissapear by a 20 radius field < 0.5s no chance for changes the Range.... ok i will fix it but not in 003 take longer
Hello. i am form the website "mcportcentral " and i just ported this mod to bukkit. an i would like you permission to publish this port on "mcportcentral " and to the link.
- Jerald
Could we get a dome mode that acts as a sphere, without leaving the below ground part open?
Also, is it possible to reinforce overlapped blocks to make them impenetrable, or if destroyed to INSTANTLY replace them/instantly disallow movement through, possibly with a knockback effect?
Bug report: When I use the Super Pick option for Single Player Commands or when I use the one hit block option on CJB , I destroy that force field block and it drops on the ground. When I pick it up it crashes with this error. This happens on both the stable version and the new release.
Display Morejava.lang.NullPointerExceptionat ul.e(SourceFile:126) at ul.g(SourceFile:140) at ui.a(SourceFile:176)at ee.a_( at sz.j( at sz.p( at qs.p( at wd.w_( sz.w_( at qs.w_( at rv.a( at rv.f( at rv.l( at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.k(SourceFile:1384) at at Source) Stopping!
Bug report: When I use the Super Pick option for Single Player Commands or when I use the one hit block option on CJB , I destroy that force field block and it drops on the ground. When I pick it up it crashes with this error. This happens on both the stable version and the new release.
Minecraft use 2 values for Blocks " setHardness()" and "setResistance()" the first for Item resistance and secound for explosion resistance like TNT or Nuke.
if a Mod or Addon not considered the 2 values I can make almost nothing against.
The force field block is setBlockUnbreakable()....
Could we get a dome mode that acts as a sphere, without leaving the below ground part open?
i plan to make the Projrktor Modual in next DEV build
only 2 Modes Cube and Shpäre ...
2 Upgrade Blocks:"Projektor Subwater Upgrade" = aktive a the Subwater mode
" Projektor Dome Upgrade" = chance cube to halb cube and Shpäre to domeQuoteAlso, is it possible to reinforce overlapped blocks to make them impenetrable, or if destroyed to INSTANTLY replace them/instantly disallow movement through, possibly with a knockback effect?
if a overlapped block is destroyed he will replace INSTANTLY i check it 1 x per secound ... it will not work for you or only to slow ???
my PC ist to fast between put offline and blocks dissapear by a 20 radius field < 0.5s no chance for changes the Range.... ok i will fix it but not in 003 take longer
I tested it again, with a RedPower Timer and Repeater , but the bug didn't appear again. Maybee it was fixed or it was an other thing that let Blocks not Disapear...
To the Super Stick:
So the only posible way is to ask the makes of the other mods not to destroy a forcefield ?
Could you cange the block, so that it dropps nothing if destroyaed like glass ?To the instand replace: one option would be putting the time in the .cfg file. People whon want to check it 20 times a sec should do it but CPU may becomme stressed
Isn't there a function with will be called by minecraft if a nearby block is destroyed ?
e.g. if you destroy a block and above is a door the door will be destroyed right instantly and i don't think there is a timer which check's this every ms... -
i plan to make the Projrktor Modual in next DEV build
only 2 Modes Cube and Shpäre ...
2 Upgrade Blocks:"Projektor Subwater Upgrade" = aktive a the Subwater mode
" Projektor Dome Upgrade" = chance cube to halb cube and Shpäre to domehm
if a overlapped block is destroyed he will replace INSTANTLY i check it 1 x per secound ... it will not work for you or only to slow ???
Yea, it still lets you fall through the field if you are fast.
am the weekend on the road, but on Monday it continues to bug hunting
I put to create a IC2 server to test it directly with the people, the problems have. without seeing it is hard to understand it