I've been looking over the wiki and editing it a little at work, mostly the nuclear power content but a few other things as well, and had a few thoughts.
There's a lot of old and outdated information on the wiki that no longer applies to the current version. Some of it can be useful, but some of it is just plain confusing for someone who's trying to figure out a process and looking at items that either don't work the same way or don't even exist at all. Most of the time this is marked, but sometimes it isn't. There's also a lot of pages with content that isn't up to date with the current version - and even though it may be 'experimental' in name, there are still a lot of people using it, I think, especially if they're trying to transition to 1.9/1.10 and beyond.
So I'm interested in hearing from the people who actually frequent this forum since before I got here - is it more important to preserve a lot of the old content? Are there that many players who still use this site specifically for older versions of IC2? Or would it be a better idea to look at trimming some of the old stuff, streamlining and updating, so that this place isn't so far behind? Is there another site that is better for IC2-exp? I do see a lot of external links to CraftingGuide - not sure if that's something we want to make a standard.
At least one of the secret recipes is on CraftingGuide, though I haven't tried it.
I'd love to go through and edit a lot of pages, make some shiny new ones - sometimes I have the time and motivation to do that at work - but there's an entire community here that I'm just getting into, and I'm just one person without the right to say 'hey I think it should be this way so I'm gonna make it that way'.
Love to hear your thoughts on this. I can't post in the forum while I'm at work, but I can still read it.