Updated mods

Industrial Rage - 1st IC Server, Still Running - IC²/GregTech/Redstone In Motion/Dungeons/Market and more! 1.6.4 - No Whitelist
When I go to Killerbeesgaming.com I get a lot of ads, not a server site
Your DNS hasn't updated, we moved sites.
Hey This looks like good server and I would like to be white-listed--
IGN: minecrafter1243
Im friendly And I do NOT Grief
I dont swear unless I get griefed,
I Am always friendly no matter how incometent a player may be
I hope you white-list me
Have a nice day -
New site should be fixed now.
Every day we have 30-40 people online.
Forestry is making it's return soon.
Including Railcraft!
The members have created a living market and are now building a new spawn. All by hand with no mod help, very curious to see how things go. You should come see, it's free now after all.
How does one go about getting white-listed?
Username is Imrtltrtl. I love IC2.
Asking for my buddy and me, two Norwegians in need of a server for IC2.
We do not grief or fool around, never banned or kicked. We're in search of a good server, and this looks to be it.
Usernames davibach and MassiveMentor. Any chance for a whitelist?I know this is old, but figured I'd address it for others. Server no longer has a whitelist.
The projected date for the IR 4.5 update is August 16th at noon CDT. There is a countdown on the website front page. See you then!
Server is online, here is a preview of one of the dungeons.
Reminder, there is no whitelist, anyone is welcome.
IR IRC Chat Sunday
http://www.killerbeesgaming.co…s/ir-irc-chat-sunday.670/ -
We're back, by the way, with a newly updated server running 1.6.2. A lot has changed, we have the experimental version of Industrial Craft,
the spawn zone is this fancy castle yard setup, the extra worlds for
mining and such are free to visit after unlocked by the community, and a
whole bunch of other things you can read on the site. We launched just a
few days ago, so most of us are still working on our basic stuff,
perfect time to join.Come play with us! Its free, no whitelists or anything!
Is there a Installer for the modpack? I'm too lazy to install the mods myself.
Excuse me, i tried to download the modpack from the page and the link doesn't work, i also tried signing up and the page keeps telling me i act like a bot, any help please?
Hi from 2021,
MC Eternal (the modpack for the only server listed on xKillerBees's website) doesn't appear to use IndustrialCraft2.