Someone from this server joined mine and said he liked it a lot and that people from this server may like it as well for he said it has similar game-play. If you guys want more information PM me or I will post the server information later if OP doesn't mind.

G1R Warcraft: IC2, project red, guns, ICBM, gregtech & much more!
Make a new thread if you are going to advertise it.
Good times, good times.
If we're all still alive at that point, maybe we can all meet up once futurecraft finally goes live?
Im down to pwn all noobs with you guys when future craft comes out
Oh, interesting thing you are planning there.You could post news on the thread (so it updates to the forum) if possible so i can be informed.
Futurecraft is like dwarf fortress, and also like fight club, in so far as YOU DO NOT ASK ABOUT THE RELEASE DATE (rules 1 & 2).
Release date aside, futurecraft outclasses minecraft on a scale of magnitudes; notch & co aren't worthy of any potential revenue they would get from it. It ought to be a game in itself.In other news: one fxmuffincow is currently working on opening a "industrial war 2" or "industrial war reloaded". Basically, it's the IW pack updated to 1.6.4, with the server being the same minus the point system and with the addition of another team. This may be relevant. I will post information as I am updated.
HOLY SHIT i thought u went dark n here u come bacc again with a future mod and a future server..... mind fuck
One of industrial wars former players, fxmuffincow, decided to resurrect the whole IW experience and launch it. They went from home hosting, to now public hosting and have made some damn fine progress in assembling all the elements to complete the experience. Server populations have been consistently high and lots of players are starting to come back.…industrial-war-2-modpack/
Currently dean is working on updating my old pack, and other than there being 4 teams instead of the 2 things are mostly the same. I urge you guys to check it out. They have put a lot of work into it and its starting to really show.
EDIT: Joon! Just the guy I was looking for. I see you lurking. Don't think I don't, you scallywag.
Hello everyone. Glad to see that this forum is being used
anyone playing on any good modded servers??
Industrial War is back under a new name and a new system!
Look forward to a ton of amazing features, including an enormous dynamic battlefield made of capturable plots and important sites.
At the moment, we are in early access, but have no worries, countless bugs have been squashed and new features are constantly being added.Here's the website if you would like to join in on the fun!
You will need the TechnicLauncher (because it makes distribution of the modpack a lot easier). Modpack located here:…od-iron-pack.558927/aboutThe modpack is called WH40k: Blood & Iron Pack, simply search that name and add it to your modpacks list and you're ready to go!
The IP/Server Info is already included in the modpack!
So what are you waiting for? Come join us and let's have a blast!