i can still hear the jet pack(tmi'd fuel jet-pack) even with the in-game sound muted

[Bug V1.15] Sound
I get that for ALL IC sounds. The fact that most of them are loud & annoying mean I basically have to mute my headphones to not go nutty banana
I find muting my sound helps with lag. The lightning sounds appear to really make me go crazy with fps loss. If that is what is causing my issue. The lightning sound or machine sound will begin skipping and fps goes to shit.
Maybe that's why I get those annoying lag spikes ... I hadn't muted completely
Yes, apparently the sound system was "tested and designed" on a super high-end PC environment and usually is causing lag to "weak" PC's.
Player is working on it.As well, you can only mute IC² sounds by using the config. Which should be fixed soon, as well.
on our server its the opposite NO ONE HAS SOUND D:
on our server its the opposite NO ONE HAS SOUND D:
same here, no other mods installed, when I rename the ic2 jar sounds come back (note: this happens in ssp, haven't tested smp yet)
I have the same problem with no sound. The sound and music are actually stuck on Off; trying to increase them from the options menu crashes the game with an "out of memory" error.
Install the SoundSystem fix as mentioned here: http://forum.industrial-craft.…?page=Thread&threadID=444
I actually have a really nice computer Al and I'm having FPS issues too.
Install the SoundSystem fix as mentioned here: http://forum.industrial-craft.…?page=Thread&threadID=444
ok that somewhat fixed the problem as the mute now works but the volume does not work properly for the jet-pack (stuck on full)
I actually have a really nice computer Al and I'm having FPS issues too.
Jamy has a 8GB RAM + according other hardware(forgot the details) PC and Player called it "50% of my testing environment"... compare your "nice computer" to that XD
ok that somewhat fixed the problem as the mute now works but the volume does not work properly for the jet-pack (stuck on full)
I just found&fixed an issue with the master volume management.
i5 2500k
12 GB Ram
Radeon HD 6950I call that a nice computer to todays standards. If I have issues running something, it's an issue imo.
I sent alexrocks252 a test build which got rid of the lag spikes as far as he noticed.
I have the exact same problem as well as 3 of my friends. WIth the sound on, we have problems with the lag and the sound is very distorted. When I'm near my watermill and can hear it there is no lag. As soon as I move away from it the lag is terrible. Muting the sound within the game resolves it.
My PC:
i5 2500k @ 5ghz
8gb Ram
GTX 570