IC2 - Determining heat produced in an EU Reactor

  • I'm making a mod which adds in a Coaxium fuel :Uranium Cell: rod (SM84CE's modding help thread), and I was wondering hou I would find the heat generated per tick or second by a single/dual/quad rod in an EU reactor:Reactor:.

    Here's how I think it should work:

    Reactor heat MAX (with no plating, 0 chambers) is 10000

    My single rod raises the heat by .04% on a single press of a stone button attached to the top of the reactor :Reactor:

    Stone buttons produce a 20 tick long signal = 1 second, iirc

    Therefore, .0004*10000 = 4 HU/s

    Am I doing that right?

    EDIT: I'm considering making my mod an IC2 addon, if it meets the criteria (if any)

    My favorite...

    Armor: :Quantum-Helmet::Quantum-Bodyarmor::Quantum-Leggings::Quantum-Boots:

    Item: :Uranium::Uranium Ore::Reactor:

    Edited once, last by SM84CE ().

  • I did post a link to the thread for it, it's supposed to be a general thread, which, in my case, all general threads I make will sooner or later become project threads.

    I just didn't know where to put it, and so I placed it with the other IC2 mechanics related questions

    My favorite...

    Armor: :Quantum-Helmet::Quantum-Bodyarmor::Quantum-Leggings::Quantum-Boots:

    Item: :Uranium::Uranium Ore::Reactor:

    Edited once, last by SM84CE: spelling mistakes... *sigh* ().

  • any thoughts? I might need the stats for my fuel rod if I'm going to publish this as an addon...

    My favorite...

    Armor: :Quantum-Helmet::Quantum-Bodyarmor::Quantum-Leggings::Quantum-Boots:

    Item: :Uranium::Uranium Ore::Reactor:

    Edited once, last by SM84CE: stats, not states :P ().

    • Official Post

    There isn't a set way that a fuel rods generates heat, it's all down to how the fuel rod itself implements it. Hence you can have MOX for example that will scale with heat in a fluid reactor (as annoying as it might be) whilst uranium doesn't care. If you don't want the rods to scale their heat generation with what's around them you don't need to do that either, you could literally just IReactor#addHeat(IReactor#getMaxHeat() * 0.0004F) in processChamber. If you copy the uranium fuel rod in comparison, it will work the same as uranium fuel rods do.

    145 Mods isn't too many. 9 types of copper and 8 types of tin aren't too many. 3 types of coffee though?

    I know that you believe that you understood what you think I said, but I am not sure you realise that what you read was not what I meant.

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    // I just don't know what went wrong :(

    I see this too much.