I just got a recycler as well as a Mass fab and i came upon the thought of what the best item to recycle is
so if you know it post it here
I just got a recycler as well as a Mass fab and i came upon the thought of what the best item to recycle is
so if you know it post it here
Dirt and Netherrack.
netherack ofc.
Awsome guys thanks for the replies
i thought nether rack would be a good material
i was also thinking of setting up a lava gen in the nether as well so might as well put the waste to good use ;P
I prefer a nice big automatic cactus farm
Build a Cobble Generator grab a mob that has a Breaker (or break the cobble yourself) and use buildcraft (its optional) to transport the CObble into the recycler than you have a good setup so i would prefer Cobble.
I prefer a setup with a cobble generator and a miner to get a ton of cobble. Either directly recycle that or if you have EqEx you can turn one cobble in 4 dirt and recycle that. Ofc use BC to automate things.
How should that with the miner works? i still dont know that I mean, cause the miner places than a pipe there (on the place where the cobble was)
Where the Skeleton is the place where the cobble is forming. And the copper ore any ore block the OD scanner considers valuable. Basically it works like this:
1. Miner digs down
2. OD Scanner detects copper ore
3. Miner digs sideways
4. Cobber gen regens the block
5. Miner digs sideways
6. Repeat to infinity or chunk unload
My recommendation is to put a water block under the mining pipe to prevent it from going too deep. This construction usually doesn't survive a chunk unload, but you can use a diamond drill, the cobble gen is usually fast enough, but its close.
Ok Thanks But Cobble is still the Best Recycle Block
If your bored, Cobble gen->1/3 pipe into an auto macerator/smelter to make glass, then auto-craft into cobble pipes (8 per 3 stone) then recycle
Slight power usage to macerate/smelt though
If the wiki is to be believed:
625+313 (Mac/Smelt) + 3 * ~530 = ~2500 to mine 3 and macerate/smelt 1
8*~530 = ~4200 to mine 8.
meh.. would need a lot of macerators to keep up though probably
Or the Adv. Machines Addon
if you have EqEx you can turn one cobble in 4 dirt and recycle that.
When I was manually feeding my recyclers, I used 1 cobble → 4 dirt → 2 clay → 8 clay balls.
if we want to expand that:
If you have EE you can build a Darklocus and generate Diamonds with one diamond you can create 512 cobble out of that you can make 2048 Dirt out of that you can make 1024 Clay and out of that you can make 8192 Clayballs that you can recycle XD. and while you feed your Recycler the Locus makes many more diamonds if you than use this Time clock you have very much Dias in some Reallife minutes and if you than use this Star Sphere thing you have infinite Diamonds
(wow thats a big cheat ;))
I usually just attatch an automatic pipe from my cobble chest from my mining to one-two recyclers and let it run. But lately I've tried with some automatic stone generators and had some problems since the miner I used kept mining into its own power cable, trying to reach some ore that was behind it, meaning it shut down itself... Suicidal farms anyone?
While we're on the subject of recycles, is there any way to automatically empty a recycler? Like you just attack a wooden pipe and an engine or is there any easier way?
If you use BuildCraft too just make a small quarry (got to love the laser lines for that) then just put a water and lava source in the sides and let them meet in the center and walk away since a redstone engine or two will keep it running forever you'll always have plenty to recycle.
If you use BuildCraft too just make a small quarry (got to love the laser lines for that) then just put a water and lava source in the sides and let them meet in the center and walk away since a redstone engine or two will keep it running forever you'll always have plenty to recycle.
that would work but it would be really really slow i had 4 red stone engines on my quarry and it took about 20 seconds to mine 1 block
that would work but it would be really really slow i had 4 red stone engines on my quarry and it took about 20 seconds to mine 1 block
Well you can power it however you like it was just an example.... Though that sounds way to slow for a steam engine, I have two powering my full sized quarry and it digs stuff out every second.. But they aren't stacked they are on two different sides (But you can also have a engine farm running somewhere and feed the power pipes to a quarry too)