Anti-Armor bug, affects Jetpacks, Batpack, Quantum boots

  • This is KIND of in your known bugs list, but i have more details and this affects some armor not on that list.
    When equipping either the jetpacks, batpack, or quantum boots (Possible other quantum armor too, not confirmed) When they're empty, they DEDUCT armor instead of adding it, For example

    Say your wearing a full set of brand new iron armor. That's a total of 20 armor. Then you take off your chestplate, bringing your armor down to 12. All's good. But then you equip a completely empty jetpack, which brings your armor DOWN to 4.

    Fully charged, they work normally (except it seems to be impossible to get a full 20 protection points), and at about half charge, they zero out.

  • I think not, because when the batpack's completely empty I still have 2 full armor icons. Fits my theory though, as chest armor=8 points, and 20-8=12 (cuz it's not counting for armor) 12-8=4 (cuz it's actually removing armor)
    4 points=2 armor icons.

    Edit- I have not actually tested whether I actually take more health damage though. I doubt it's a purely cosmetic glitch but anything's possible