1.23 Bug: Silver dust cant be smelted, silver ore cant be macerated.

  • In the patch notes that KB posted it said that ore dictionary support was added and silver should now be usable in macerator. Just checked, cant macerate it, cant smelt silver dust.

  • Hmmm...
    Guess either the code itself ore the MCForge oredic is having a problem there.

    That or the oredic isn't implemented in redpower2 yet, thus metadata doesn't exist until Pr3, where it is. Similar issue with the duplicate copper and tin ores.

    Edit: altough it doesn't explain the dust - that is from IC2... I can still only smelt the RP2 ores in regular forges, as well as make wafers. a combination perhaps.

  • Twice the fun!, oh to make it into bronze or brass, THAT is the question! ^^

    On topic of bronze, RP2 adds so much to IC is unbelievable.

    I have already made an automatic lava / water cell factory! I have so many lava cells now that I am thinking of doing a geothermal generator flower lol:)

  • Confirmed, with RedPower 2.0 Prerelease 3, released today, silver will be macerated, all ores and dusts work in IC furnaces too.

    RP Copper ore in furnace will turn into copper ingot, while if you macerate it first, it will turn into the IC Copper... decisions, decisions ;)

    Same deal with Tin btw... so whatever you need.