Hardened foam seems to be easily disintegrated by laser, whatever mode it use
Is it made on purpose or is it a side effect of some sort?
I mean: it's more blast-resistant than most other materials, why laser on weakest mode burns 1-2 blocks hole in it?
It makes me sad cuz my friends cant bring lasers to my new shiny pvp arena because of risk destroying it whole

Q: Construction foam and laser
The laser destroys almost anything, its a laser. Build the arena out of reinforced stone or obsidian and you should be good. The laser is made to be the ultimate destroyer of things shadowed only by the Nuke. At least I'm pretty sure it is, since it has always destroyed almost anything even in IC.
hardened foam have same explosion resistance as obsidian - 60 it also shoud resist drill and laser just like obsidian.
So it's not a good thing to use to contain a melt down?
3-4 layers of it should contain meltdown, with loss of 2-3 o them, if it have same explosion resistance as obsidian