Bio Materials
Have you ever wondered why you can make Industrial Diamonds out of Coal
But not other carbon materials? Like Plantballs?
And what about Carbon Plates, why can't we make those from Plantballs
Well with this addon you can!
No more strip mining your beautiful minecraft world for coal.
No more endless mines. As a alternative you can now make Industrial Diamonds and Carbon Plates with
128 Plantballs and 32 Plantballs, respectively (both configurable!)
Thanks to chaoschamp for some textures!
Video Tut:
courtesy of ultimate_omega
(made on version 1.10)
To Make Carbon Plates:
To Make Industrial Diamonds:
Straight Talk:
The cost for Industrial Diamonds and Carbon Plates is 16 plant matter = 1 coal
so each Industrial Diamond is 16 stacks of plant stuff
and each carbon plate is 4 stacks
keep in mind that these are just the defaults, they are configurable in the config file
in addition the ability to make biodiamonds or bioplates can be turned off in the config as well
also there is a brick recipe for bioballs that is on by default that can be turned off as well
Older versions:
How to Install:
Correctly install: Industrialcraft2 v 1.112, and F4113nC0r3 4.0.0 or higher in that order.
Then put the .zip file in the mods folder (Or copy all files in .zip into minecraft.jar).
No mods folder? Run Minecraft after Forge is installed and it will generate one for you.
Please note that the config file will only generate once Minecraft has been run at least once!!!
That's it!!!
Change Log:
Please give me feedback everyone!!!
Did you like it or not, and why?
The only way i can improve the addon is if you guys tell me what you guys tell me what you think!!!
Have fun!!!