Nice Textures Redled
[Addon v1.112]AdvGenerators²v3.3.0-New Toys!!!
sweet textures, I love 'em
do they go with a specific texture pack? or are they standalone? -
No specific Pack. A little inspired by Soartex Fanver. The Color is slightly "advanced alloy".
Works like a geothermal generator, except:
produces 25% more energy from inputed lava
inputed lava lasts 25% longer
also generates eu from all blocks in a 15x15x15 area centered on itself
eu/tick output for blocks:
lava: .005
obsidian: .0025
rock or iron materials: .001
air: 0
water: -.0015
snow materials: -.0025
ice materials: -.005this means if all the blocks are stone, it produces 3.375 eu/tick
You should add:
Uranium Ore/Block: 0.002/0.018 (Radioactivity) (I've Edit the number, to make uranium ore generate more EU than stone, and I guess it shoul be even more)
Bedrock: 0.004 (There is alva under, isn't it ?)
Just fix these numbers. -
Can You do update also for 1.2.5 or this is too much work? I sure a lot of people still playing in 1.2.5.
hey ya, now that you meantion it, I see the soartex in it,
good soartex is my fav tp and now it compat with advgens
good ideas, I'll do that in next update
umm.... this updated for 1.2.5 -
nope not dead again, I'm just waiting till 1.3.2 to continue development
I mean this
Can you continue development also for 1.2.5?
I don't know, I've been really busy with school and all, so I don't really have much free time for modding right now
Can You do update also for 1.2.5 or this is too much work? I sure a lot of people still playing in 1.2.5.
ummm it is 1.2.5 ...its us 1.3.2 users that are waiting and refreshing daily (not asking for an update) -
dang, I didn't even know 1.3.2 was out, good thing I checked
I think you should add to the coming update (I hope one is already planned
First, a rework on the Thermal Generator: as they are already done, they're something unrealistic I hate: they work as windmill do.
I mean: 1 Thermal Generator is supposed to "suck" heat from the ground. So it's quite as if the Thermal Generator was cooling that ground, isn't it ? So in a realistic way, you shouldn't be able to put 13 Thermal Gen arround 3 cable (1 side for output) surrounded by a lava lake + Obsidian Cube + a lot of stone and no air (I'm describing a way of having very efficient Thermal Gen) because one would use this heat and won't leave it to the others (I know, it's not supposed to be 100 % efficient, even not 5 %, but I dislike this way of taking advantage of it as you can do with Windmill [Windmill Tower])
I suggest: Buffing the Thermal Generator BUT adding a EU-generation Penalties for each Thermal Generator in the 15*15*15 area (a huge one, like - 2 EU/t)
OR, more realistic, funnier but maybe harder to code: Implementing "Heat Pipes" or others heat-sucking devices, that suck heat in a very small area (3*3*3 for example) but wich would be cheap and able to bring this heat up to the Thermal Gen. It would maybe need a Pipes-level puting max heat brought by the pipes before exploding.The 2nd points concern windmill: as I already said it, I hate Windmills Towers: So I would like to see implemented an "Advanced Windmill" that would maybe have the same EU-generation Penalties for each others Windmill/Adv. Windmill in the zone to avoid W-Tower. Something that I dislike too (because it's uggly, hard to use because very High but OP): the fact that Windmill-setup are always done at 200. To avoid it, just set a max level to the EU-Generation depending on how high it is: for example, it could be:
Windmills(Advanced) between 70 and 80 generate normal output, *1.2 between 80 and 90 and from 90 to 100 *1.5. Make it break automaticly at 101 or more.
To avoid Windmill Tower, I simply suggest: -2 EU/each Windmill in the area, but reduce this area to 6*6*6.Example for Thermal Generator + Pipes/Devices sucking heat setup (to explain how I would like it to work)
= Therm. Gen.
=High heat-supporting level pipes.
=lower one
= Stone, Lava etc ...
= EU generation could be good, but it's not the most efficient.:Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Cable: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline:
etc ...
:Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Cable: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline::Cable: :Cable: :Cable: :Cable: :Cable: :Cable: :Cable: :Glass Fibre: :Cable: :Cable: :Cable: :Cable: :Cable: :Cable: :Cable:
:Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Glass Fibre: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline:
:Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Advanced Furnace: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline:
:Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Glass Fibre: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline: :Rubber Trampoline:
etc ...= better EU-generation, more efficient design. With that way of working, you would have to create a complete network of pipes and you couldn't simply create a 20-Therm-Gen-surrounded-by-lava-powering-Mass-Fab
The difficulties would be to make it to be non-laggy. Maybe it should be a system including the levels: the more you are close to the Bedrock, the more each block will generate Heat-EU. (Because, as I already said it, under Bedrock is supposed to be a HUGE lava lake (Ocean).
first of all, an update is on the way, I'm actually working on it right now
for your concerns about the thermal gens, so you can have an efficent system but seriously, it would require a huge amount of effort to transport 225 (15 * 15) buckets of lava to your thermals
and if you put in in an existing lava lake, there is not one big enough in the normal world so you would have to live in nether
not to mention how the heck would you get it in an existing lava lake?
also even if you do spend the time to do it, is that much effort worth ~40 eu/tick? why not make 4 turbinesolars?
I was thinking of making it level dependant, but the idea of a lava sea/world core doesn't really fit in with some of the ideas I have plannedwind mill towers will not be possible with windturbines because they require a wind tunnel which not very many will fit in and are kind of bulky
I dont know how much experience you have with structures (maybe you could ask gregoriusT for help) because you could make a structure who acts as one big Turbine maybe? I know it a kind of mass rewrite but maybe in the future?
the same for water, so you have maybe a 4x4 with a 2x2 hole in the middle and if only moving water goes through this hole, you will generate eu.
not sure I know what you mean, I generally try to stay away from multi-block structures, because they are much more difficult to code without accidentally having severe exploits
that or they are really laggy -
not sure I know what you mean, I generally try to stay away from multi-block structures, because they are much more difficult to code without accidentally having severe exploits
that or they are really laggyIf codded wrong
not sure I know what you mean, I generally try to stay away from multi-block structures, because they are much more difficult to code without accidentally having severe exploits
I know an exploit with my Fusionreactor and Redpowerframes. You could just save the Fusioncoils of a second Reactor, by moving these quick up and down with Frames.
But for my LESU, which is the "ultimate random" Multiblock, i have found an absolutely nonlaggy solution (which could also work with Railcrafts Cokeovens). The LESU-Storageblocks are scanning the already existing LESU-Block-Area upon being placed/broken, with a recursive Algorithm until they find an LESU-Controllerblock, then they notify it and the Controllerblock scans again after 1-10 Ticks (in case of explosions it divides Lag by 2), to determine the amount of LESU-Storageblocks.
So its not that hard, to make Multiblockstructures lagfree.
still sounds a bunch more laggy than a single block
still sounds a bunch more laggy than a single block
Sorry, I'm a bit confused at this comment. You can clearly program but eh how old are you hehe. Is your version of laggy different then what we are talking about? I mean the whole point is pretty much it causes next to nothing in lag like it was a dirt block sitting there. I love it in fact I'm pissed off Gregs mod is not more like it because I hate *magic blocks* its suppose to be a fucking large monster of a machine lol!
In fact I think the fusion reactor should be literately a large machine room let alone some blocks scattered on the floor in a pattern. Should have a complex structure with special addons and such hehe.
I'm just saying no matter how you code it, you are going to get more lag from a multiblock machine than you are going to get from a single block with a tileentity
probem with greg's idea is that if you have the "walls" of your multiblock search for the controller and not the other way around, you have a bunch more tileentities that produce lag when mc has to do an update call on each one of them -
Uhhm the only scan for the Controller, when they get placed/removed. Not when they get loaded.
The Controllerblock checks 20Ticks after it gets loaded for the LESU-Blocks and causes then even less lag than the addition/removal of a LESU-Storage. Also i use an incredible efficient Algorithm to find the LESU-Storages.
So finally you get only Lagspikes, when: you load the World once, you place a LESU-Block, you remove a LESU-Block.
THIS is even less than Railcraft causes with Cokeovens!