Due to a issue with our modem we are unable to continue hosting, sorry!!
Sadly my modem is unable to support more than 512 TCP connections causing it to crash far to often.

Can't connect to your server.
ps I remembered the :4444
what is the error???
Can't connect to your server.
ps I remembered the :4444
Ok what error did you get???
I have no recorded instance of a connection request in the logs.Ok, error resolved:
Looks like a missed record in IPTABLES, fixed :). -
ok dude what is wrong with your server right now? its me coldfist
The modem dropped out and the log files get erased when it dies (making them useless), nerveless I am getting it all back and running.
Edit: Everything fixed, will look at new modem, also maybe I can setup a 'internet failure' alarm on my server in-case the modem crashes. If I am leaving for a long period of time I will put a timer thing on the modem so it is turned off and on every couple of hours (maybe a cron job to warn users??). -
May I be whitelisted? My username is "Deathzore". I am a "master" at redstone (very very good with it). I don't greif, and I would like to play on a somewhat ungreifable server (there's probably going to be a small amount due to the whitelist killing most of it). So, i hope i may be whitelisted.
hey id like to join because a lot of the servers i play on go offline often. my ign is DevHalo
May I be whitelisted? My username is "Deathzore". I am a "master" at redstone (very very good with it). I don't greif, and I would like to play on a somewhat ungreifable server (there's probably going to be a small amount due to the whitelist killing most of it). So, i hope i may be whitelisted.
Deathzore hey?
Ok, you have been added- make sure you read the rules. -
Can i join? Will BC or RP or EE be added?
Edit- I´ve read the rules and my IGN is hugsim.
Please add me to whitelist.
Some informations about me: I play mc half a year. I red and I accept rules. My nick in game is: skore13
And I have 1 question: is PvP enabled? -
My IGN is M11xStryker and I would love to join!
I've been playing Industrialcraft ever since IC1 7.16, and would love to join this sever! -
Hayy thanks man
my goal straitaway:
Please add me to whitelist.
Some informations about me: I play mc half a year. I red and I accept rules. My nick in game is: skore13
And I have 1 question: is PvP enabled?
You and M11xStryker will be added ASAP (SSH access isn't available to me right now).
EDIT: Added. -
good to know that i can access this here too. also the server is down again. i don't mean to complain but all the downtime is annoying. i am on american time so i realize you are proboably asleep most of the time a want to play but i think that having a better system would be good. also i understand if these are just flukes that aren't going to happen as often when they you are more used to the server running deal.
I noticed the server downtime, it's my modem, I will look into a solution- probably putting it on a power cycle so it is restarted every once in a while...
Any updates on when the server will be back on?
Any updates on when the server will be back on?
It's up.
Looks like cron had been wiped in a PID conflict...
My bad...
I made a type when white-listing you... -
I would like to join your server, because most of the other servers are either pay2play or other mods besides IC.
My IGN is randalpik. I have my own server as well (but it's not IndustrialCraft.) I'm relatively new to IC but I feel pretty knowledgeable about it. I have read and will abide by the rules. Thanks for considering my application! -
I would like to join your server, because most of the other servers are either pay2play or other mods besides IC.
My IGN is randalpik. I have my own server as well (but it's not IndustrialCraft.) I'm relatively new to IC but I feel pretty knowledgeable about it. I have read and will abide by the rules. Thanks for considering my application!