I just noticed that redstone timers has been updated to 1.6.0 and now it requires a new mod called Mineforge. I am wondering if this will cause any issues with IC? If so is there a fix planned until IC2 comes out?
Question: Will Mineforge cause an issue with IC 8.55_02?
Afaik if you install IC first and MCForge after:
You can not use the Nanosuit (+Config setting)
You can not use the IndustrialPickaxe (+Config setting)
Teleporters will not save their links after reloading.Besides this, it runs fine. (At least in theory).
That is rather depressing. Is there any plans to do some sort of fix while we wait for IC2? On the same note I said this on eloraam's thread, you guys should get together and write a mod like Aether, but an industiralized version
Eloraam, SpaceToad, ali4z/Chicken_bonez, and you. I think it would be the nuke bomb of all the mods out there. It is just a thought though
The difference between our mods and the Aether:
Aether is an adventure mod, implementing some new mechanics, throwing a recolored world with slightly different stats at users and providing some challengeds.
Industrial&BuildCraft are sandbox mods, allowing users to build massive new structures. Whereas Minecraft only features redstone (and now Pistons), IC implement complex machinery and Energy Wiring, whereas BuildCraft allows users to construct automated favtorys.
Aether was a hype yes, but i bet my hat IC & BC will last longer, because they provide FAAAR more replayability..
Thus, i will never go for anything similar to Aether. Ask me to add some more crazy futuristic stuff, sure. But no ICther
oh no I wasn't implying that you guys should make any kind of adventure mod. I was thinking that you guys could do a sandbox style mod with the complex machines and wiring systems. Aether is nice and all, but it gets rather boring fast as it isn't for SMP (yet) and down right repetitive. The big bonus of you guys working together on a single mod that incorporates all the aspects of your individual mods is that us non-coding masters wouldn't be worried about the mods not working when something new comes out (like mineforge or buildcraft2).
I also agree with you 100% IC/BC/RL/WR will completely outrun adventure mods like Aether.
Hi everyone,
I tried to do what Alblaka said in his earlier post but it didn't work.
So I merged the two conflicting classes (ItemPickaxe and World).To use this simply drop the files in your minecraft_server.jar after you installed both Industrial Craft 8.55_02 and Mineforge 1.0.4
Here are the two merged .class files (ah and dj) Click Here!
Alblaka, if you don't aprove of this, remove the link and send me a PM, I'll take the file offline.
-- trilader
Warning: Make a backup of your world before you use this... For me it caused a bug with the old BuildCraft ( that corrupted the world. Fortunatly I had a backup.
Thus, i will never go for anything similar to Aether. Ask me to add some more crazy futuristic stuff, sure. But no ICther
I implore you sir! Moar! Moar stuff
It is possible to merge the Forge and IC properly, with everything working, picture is proof:
What I did was simply:
Install IC 8.50 (in this case, it still works with 8.55, but I use 8.50)
Install Forge
Install the conflicting .class files (gs and fd) from Industrially Improved Pickaxe and Nanosuit foldersDone.
Note: this means the gs and fd classes are not forge ones. I am not sure how it affects the game, but so far I met no problems. Maybe if you install more forge mods, it will show. However, right now, it works flawlessly.