hey guys. i have been poking around the forums looking for Recycler set ups, can you point me in the right direction, or to a youtube video? sorry for asking.

Set ups.
Define setups; What are you after in particular about recyclers?
Here's a screenshot of my 7 recyclers, they're automatically fed cobblestone (2 dedicated), dirt (2 dedicated), gravel, sand, and a manual input for miscellaneous items (usually sapplings). Any produced scrap is fed into the 2 chests on the left, which I then use with a Mass Fabricator. There's another chest before the items go onto the recyclers, which I use as a buffer area, or to collect some dirt or stone when required.
I do need to sort out an overflow system for the cobblestone, my last attempt on that didn't work out as planned.
Hopefully this has given you some insight!
Boom goes the Dyn-o-mite! Shot Tim. thanks lot going to help alot. (stole your pic BTW) Cheers!
Moved to IndustrialCraft² » Industrial Engineering » Electric Engineering
hey guys. i have been poking around the forums looking for Recycler set ups, can you point me in the right direction, or to a youtube video? sorry for asking.
Churyeah.. define "setup" i'm just using the advanced insertion pipes from this BC sub-mod.
Have 4 recyclers and a ring of pipes connecting to each of the four with an advanced insertion on top.
First one full or can't take <x>? gets automatically passed onto the second.though if I had to re-do it I might have used 6. I haven't gotten an overflow yet but it was close once or twice. Can't keep the cobble generator and quarry running at the same time.