• Define setups; What are you after in particular about recyclers?

    Here's a screenshot of my 7 recyclers, they're automatically fed cobblestone (2 dedicated), dirt (2 dedicated), gravel, sand, and a manual input for miscellaneous items (usually sapplings). Any produced scrap is fed into the 2 chests on the left, which I then use with a Mass Fabricator. There's another chest before the items go onto the recyclers, which I use as a buffer area, or to collect some dirt or stone when required.

    I do need to sort out an overflow system for the cobblestone, my last attempt on that didn't work out as planned.

    Hopefully this has given you some insight! :)

  • hey guys. i have been poking around the forums looking for Recycler set ups, can you point me in the right direction, or to a youtube video? sorry for asking.
    Chur ?(

    yeah.. define "setup" i'm just using the advanced insertion pipes from this BC sub-mod.
    Have 4 recyclers and a ring of pipes connecting to each of the four with an advanced insertion on top.
    First one full or can't take <x>? gets automatically passed onto the second.

    though if I had to re-do it I might have used 6. I haven't gotten an overflow yet but it was close once or twice. Can't keep the cobble generator and quarry running at the same time.