Was...was it worth it?

  • Hey! I just made my first reactor ever....its damn expensive. I don't feel like i'm now low on materials, just i'm not sure if its worth the time. My rector containment shiznit is 2 layers obsidian then 1 restone. Right now, i'm only running an mk1 at 20 eu/t. I was looking, to make that 25eu/t, i would have to make another advanced reacted lpatiing. Then, to make an efficient mk2, i'll need far more reacted chambers and-this water cooling really bugs me:

    So, reacter is in a 3x3 area.water surrounds it, but two side, for the redstone input and the fibre cable. However, his is the array of the cooling:

    first layer:





    Where w=water; s=stone; f=fiber cable; n=nuclear reacter; r=redstone(red power so water doesn't wash it away)

    Heres the design i'm using

    [] :Intergrated Plating: :Coolant Cell:
    :Coolant Cell: :Bio Cell: :Intergrated Heat Dispenser:
    :Intergrated Heat Dispenser: :Uranium Cell: :Coolant Cell:
    :Coolant Cell: :Intergrated Plating: []

    So, any feedback would be appreciated.

  • So it is this design (Mark I-O EC), give or take?

    It is a nice design, isn't it... (I've seen it before.)

    (If you need more EU/t with 0 chambers you could go to this one (Mark II-4 ED), but as its efficiency is abysmal, I don't recommend it - it is probably best to save up for more reactor chambers.)

  • Yea, thats it. I added 3 chambers, and put the on/off below one, so its now this:




    same as before, but with C=chamber. any ideas for that?

    EDIT: also, i'd like mk1 reactors only, the otterh one you told me about was mk2

  • Hmm...

    First thing - you can run the fiber cable out from one of the chambers, meaning you can have full water cooling.

    So a Mk 1 with 3 chambers?

    What EU/t are you looking for? (Higher EU/t means lower efficiency in general for a mark I)

    *Goes off and ponders*

    EDIT: First attempt: Mk. I-O EC, 35 EU/t.

  • Reactor components can be VERY expensive if you dont go the (CA)SUC type reactor...I'm also pretty sure that it's better to use lava generators for the amount of EU they produce and the cheapness =/ Nuclear reactors arn't even that powerful...

  • Yea, i made a setup a 40eu/t reacter and 3x3 geothermals go into an MFE that goes into a mass fab thats constantly fed with scrap, i got 2 stacks of UUM from the :Geothermal Generator: 's and 3 :Uranium Cell: .

  • Reactor components can be VERY expensive if you dont go the (CA)SUC type reactor...I'm also pretty sure that it's better to use lava generators for the amount of EU they produce and the cheapness =/ Nuclear reactors arn't even that powerful...

    nuclear reactor are not that powerful? mine produces 850 Eu/t

    i plan on adding 3 more reactors w/o much change to it for a total for 3200 Eu/t. if any one finds a generator setup that get close to this tell me i might use it

  • nuclear reactor are not that powerful? mine produces 850 Eu/t

    i plan on adding 3 more reactors w/o much change to it for a total for 3200 Eu/t. if any one finds a generator setup that get close to this tell me i might use it

    I modified your to make it output 1768 effective EU with no cooldown time and infinite cycles and producing, in total, 354,000,000 EU. The only problem would be to supply the ice. It's a MK1-0-EA

  • I modified your to make it output 1768 effective EU with no cooldown time and infinite cycles and producing, in total, 354,000,000 EU. The only problem would be to supply the ice. It's a MK1-0-EA

    yes sense new 1337 patch ive changed this and now i get 1820 Eu/t and the 10 sec cool down is virtually non existent cause it takes more time to pull and reload the cells... new plan is having 4 of these for a total of 7280 Eu/t or regulate between 1-4 reactors running at a time with auto shut off once either reactor is done running or when storage is full. so basically i can have either 1820, 3640, 5460 or 7280 Eu/t. all of it controlled from safe room w/ no access to reactors when running. ill post pics once Ic2 is ported to 1.0.0
