[~Suggestion~] Decorative Paneling

  • Name: Decorative Paneling

    Description: I love Luminators, but wiring them can be unattractive, especially in prebuilt structures. The ability to run a wire through a ceiling and then place a Luminator over it to cover it is wonderful, but you may not want to use Luminators for every square inch of wire. If you made panels that could be placed in the same fashion as Luminators (on surfaces, on wires, and on walls, ceilings, or floors), of the same thickness as Luminators, but in non-glowing textures that blend with existing building materials (Wood, Planks, Brick, Cobblestone, Stone, Construction Foam, etc,) you would be able to neatly hide wires en-route to their destinations, without having to dig out extra-deep pathways.

    Recipe: Because panels are fragile and decorative veneers, I think they should be treated as glass (easily broken, irrecoverable if destroyed). Because we lack standard Minecraft smilies, bare with me, and assume the Tesla icon is Glass, while the Rubber Wood icon is the panel material.

    :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log: :Rubber Log:
    :Tesla Coil: :Tesla Coil: :Tesla Coil:

    The wood could be cobble, brick, any manner of materials. You could even consider a glass recipe (maybe made of glass, and glass panes combined?) that would function like the other panels.

  • Two great mods that go great together (make sure you get the version for 1.81! You should only need Core for panels, maybe Wiring too.)

  • I dont favor the idea of adding covers for wires into IC2, ask eloraam for compatibility between redpower covers and IC2 wires.

    • Official Post

    I already mentioned i would be going to add some "cover cables in a CF block" mechanism. Still aplies.
    And don't worry, i won't even bother with creating cover-like panes (because that's a pain to code), but just create a way to turn cables into full blocks :§

  • I dont favor the idea of adding covers for wires into IC2, ask eloraam for compatibility between redpower covers and IC2 wires.

    So... you're not in favor of using a solution that already exists, but you ARE in favor of making IC2 require RedPoower Core?

    From Eloraam's EAQ:


    "Make cover plates work on X other mod”.
    It’s impossible. It’s not a matter of adding cover plates to another block type, but making a block type work inside cover plates. Covers require a huge amount of code, including a lot of custom rendering, and any blocks that use them have to be written, from the ground up, to make use of them. Anything using them would require RedPower Core to function, even if it was possible. So just use the RedPower equivalents.

    Until Alblaka gets his ideas implemented, you still have a solution!