[Add-on Suggestion(probably)] Jacketed IC2 cable

  • I don't know if this may have been suggested but,

    Would it be possible to make an add-on that introduced new cables based on the existing ones, that were jacketed exactly like the RP2 alloy wire is and then have them work with RP2 covers etc
    Jacketed copper cable, Jacketed Fibre Cable etc
    this way we get cables that can be covered without making the core of IC2 dependant on RP2

    I also wonder if this could be put into IC2 proper and have them only available is RP2 is present

    Thanks for reading ^^

  • From the RedPower EAQ:


    “Make cover plates work on X other mod”. It’s impossible. It’s not a matter of adding cover plates to another block type, but making a block type work inside cover plates. Covers require a huge amount of code, including a lot of custom rendering, and any blocks that use them have to be written, from the ground up, to make use of them. Anything using them would require RedPower Core to function, even if it was possible. So just use the RedPower equivalents.

    This isn't something that could be done just as an "add-on" - you'd need to be able to modify IC2 base code (and you'd need to require RedPower Core). Feel free to browse this forum and see what's already been said in previous discussions on the topic.

  • From the RedPower EAQ:

    This isn't something that could be done just as an "add-on" - you'd need to be able to modify IC2 base code (and you'd need to require RedPower Core). Feel free to browse this forum and see what's already been said in previous discussions on the topic.

    I don't think you quite understood what I meant,
    What I mean it to leave IC2 cables as they are, and add completely new objects that support the micro block code necessary to work with covers and function like they're equivalent cable types, so the add-on would require IC2 and RP2 while leaving IC2 free from dependencies and shouldn't require changing base code.
    I know you can add new cables ( the science mod does so) it just depends weather you can make new cables implement the RP2 jackets cable type code

  • Are you aware of the complexity of the micro block system? Do you understand that you would have to add pretty much the whole of RP2 core to the addon in question to make it work?
    Did you know that Eloraam have specifically asked modders NOT to re-distribute her code, reverse engineer it or otherwise mess with it?

    Sure, we don't HAVE to follow her wishes, while we can't re-distribute her code we could reverse engineer it and make a clone of our own. We would be going against her wishes but we would be perfectly right in doing so.
    Alternatively we could write our very own microblock system from scratch... But we are still stuck with the complexity of doing such a thing. Is it worth it?
    The microblock system in RP2 makes a lot of sense since redstone wiring and stuff like that can easily take up more space than the actual machines the redstone is designed to control. Just look at all the digital clocks people have made using RP2. The circuitry is still several times larger than the display. (Whereas in reality, the circuitry for such clocks have always the same size as the display or smaller.

    Before RP2, the circuitry for such a clock took up a field as far as you could see. And was VERY tall as well.
    So once more, sub-blocks in RP2 makes sense because they have a real use. Jacketed wires is just a bonus feature because the system was already written and in place.

  • I don't think you quite understood what I meant,
    What I mean it to leave IC2 cables as they are, and add completely new objects that support the micro block code necessary to work with covers and function like they're equivalent cable types, so the add-on would require IC2 and RP2 while leaving IC2 free from dependencies and shouldn't require changing base code.
    I know you can add new cables ( the science mod does so) it just depends weather you can make new cables implement the RP2 jackets cable type code

    I don't think you understand that what you are requesting requires that dependency and those changes.
    Sorry, but I think Eloraam and Alblaka understand what would be required a lot better than you or even I do. Feel free to ask them if you require additional clarification.