Support Request: Minecraft Crash with IC2

  • Hi,

    First of all, sorry for my bad English.

    The Reason why i'm post is, I try to run Minecraft with PortalGun, Buildcraft, Redpower and IC2.
    Minecraft works fine until i Copy the industrialcraft-2-client_1.42.jar in the mods folder.

    my error msg

    i'm use forge 1.2.3 (experimental) because redpower need it.

    i hope you can help me ?(

  • That is a strange one and it will be hard to trace it.

    Mind trying with just ModLoader, ModLoaderMP and Forge 1.2.3 as well as IC2 1.42 only.
    I feel it's a compatiblity issue with Forge and one of the other many mods you have installed.

  • also crash with the 3 mods

    Modloader, ModloaderMP, Forge 1.2.3


    edit1: ok, ic2 works with 1.2.2 forge

  • Yep, as i feared. It's a problem with IC2 using Forge 1.2.3... I will have to look into the source to know what is causing it but it is still up to the IC2 devs to fix it.

    Post in the bugs section with the title "[Compatibility] IC2 and Forge 1.2.3 crashes"

    With the information gathered here.

    Quote from Eloraam

    Myself and another Forge developer did a lot of work on Forge tonight, but we really didn't expect IC² to be accessing those fields in quite that way.

    Anyway, I've pushed a new version of the experimental forge binaries which should fix this issue.

    • Official Post

    Lolz, I guess we're special :D

    Lesson 1: Watch over your crops....