Nano Suits instead of being Discharged and staying at 0 Energy, they get destroyed like any other piece of armor. I remember losing like 3-5 pieces of the suits due to this.

[BUG][1.43] Nano Suits being permanently destroyed
- FenixR
- Closed
Nano Suits instead of being Discharged and staying at 0 Energy, they get destroyed like any other piece of armor. I remember losing like 3-5 pieces of the suits due to this.
also lappack is destroyed if you get any damage adter it has 0 eu
Probably also applies to quantum armor as well.
However, I am pretty sure this cannot be fixed yet, until Mineforge adds hooks for this. Apperently 1.0 added some new armor code that totally screwed this up (although I think it already kinda screwed up before)
For now, Take off your armor when it is near depleted.
Probably also applies to quantum armor as well.
However, I am pretty sure this cannot be fixed yet, until Mineforge adds hooks for this. Apperently 1.0 added some new armor code that totally screwed this up (although I think it already kinda screwed up before)
For now, Take off your armor when it is near depleted.
Well so far my Quatum armor (At least the boots armor 2 expensive
) hasnt dissapeared even when i dip on lava or simply get killed, unlike the nano armor when i always lost it when i got killed or lava, or by a mob or when i fall over high distances.
Well so far my Quatum armor (At least the boots armor 2 expensive
) hasnt dissapeared even when i dip on lava or simply get killed, unlike the nano armor when i always lost it when i got killed or lava, or by a mob or when i fall over high distances.
Hmm, Maybe this is because quantum armor has far more DUrability, Because of it's higher energy capacity?
they all have 30002 durability, armor system is bugged due minecraft default armor processing cannot be changed without side effects.
Hmm, Maybe this is because quantum armor has far more DUrability, Because of it's higher energy capacity?
Nope. Both armors break when after depleted. Thanks to the local lava pool plus local creepers. (TMI'd both suits but doesn't matter. Didn't want to lose my legit Quantum Suit.
Nope. Both armors break when after depleted. Thanks to the local lava pool plus local creepers. (TMI'd both suits but doesn't matter. Didn't want to lose my legit Quantum Suit.
Yes, I know it can still break. However, if you swim in lava, I find it likely, that without deathchest, you will tend to have that suit ITEM fall in the lava and vanish. Creeper explosions also destroy items, although a single one will not.
Oh, and just because it has more durability, does not mean you cannot deal the same kind of fatal damage the nanosuit takes to die. It just takes more.
Of course they break after depleted, haven't you been listening? There is a bug where the damage hook for armor does not properly prevent fatal armor damage for energy armor.
Oh, and have any of you ever tried on a pair of diamond boots, then suicided without severe overkill? Did you notice that the diamond boots survived? That is because of high durability. It did not actually take enough damage to be destroyed, for basically the same reason a normal diamond pick axe does not break after mining a block of iron.
Same deal with the quantum suit, due to the hook bug.
Additional info: Enviromental damage doesn't break armorlike lava, water, fall, etc., but all others; Creepers, Skeletons,etc., do just as Vanilla.
I had someone test a nanosaber versus quantum, and had the same problem. The armor itself disappeared.
This just happened to me on my friends server...
Goodbye, 112 matter worth of quantum suit...
Forge broke on that. Can't do much until they merge in our armor fixes.