Suggestion: ExtremeX2 to Extreme Voltage converter

  • It is possible, and actually pretty easy with red power, to make a nuclear reactor output packets of 2,400 eu and NOTHING can handle this much. As such, I request some way to convert 2,400 eu into something actually usable.

  • Well, I guess you mean 2400 EU/t, not 24000. I would be interested in how you want to maintain that reactor, it goes critical in 6 seconds and needs 7min cooldown after that. This means you get 33EU/t out of it over time. A basic MK1 can produce more than this. I would suggest taking out 7-8 cells, which downs the efficiency only from 4.44 to 4.35 and keeps the output at save 2000EU/t. If you really think about using this to conserve uranium I suggest building 2 or 3 breeders, far easier than this setup and you won't create giant holes in the landscape. Maybe it would be possible to increase the tolerance of steel cables to 2400, as that is the maximum possible packet size, but I really don't see much use for it. You still need to split this into 4MFSUs to not bottleneck somewhere. Also I am not sure, but what happens if you connect a cable to another side of the reactor? Would it send one packet of 1200 to both sides? If yes you can just use this splitting.

  • It always outputs to one cable. He is also using a casuc reactor, meaning he is using redpower to rapidly fill it with water buckets/ice for cooling, with the rest filled with tons of uranium cells.

  • Yes I know about CASUCs, but I assumed he filed it completely with uranium, which is not possible as a CASUC. To run it as a CASUC you need some slots for ice, I think at least 5 or 6, so max output should be around 2100 anyway. Just add another 2 ice stacks for safety reasons and you are in the "normal" voltage range.

  • As a temporary fix allow HVTFs to take any sized packet and output a proper number of 512 packets. (buffering a bit)

  • I used a timer and a self-connected counter to get the long period of cool down and the short period of activeness. Also, just to let you know, you need 185 reactor pulses of cool down to prevent this from exploding.

  • I used a timer and a self-connected counter to get the long period of cool down and the short period of activeness. I do mean 24,000 eu, 1 pulse generates 10 eu and I can get 240 pulses in 1 reactor pulse. Also, just to let you know, you need 185 reactor pulses of cool down to prevent this from exploding.

    2 things-
    1 you fail at math,240x10 does equal 2,400
    2 try splitting it to 2 hv transformers


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