SUGGESTION: Conductive Paint

  • Here's an idea: Why don't we take the painter, add a special dye, and use it to paint blocks with a conductive strip, not too powerful though, just enough to power luminators. It would save loads of time and effort charging them up manually, and save space.

    Conductive Paint:

    :Gold Dust: :Copper Dust: :Gold Dust:
    :Coal Dust: :Water Cell: :Coal Dust: = 1 Conductive Dye
    :Gold Dust: :Copper Dust: :Gold Dust:

    Paint Coulouring:

    Conductive Dye + Dye(lapiz, rose red, etc.) = Coloured CDye

    :Mining Laser: HEADSHOT :Mining Laser:
    For the record "Sibire" is pronounced "sighbeer", not "cyber", "sib-ere" or "sigh-bire".

  • It kinda would be difficult to give them a lower Current than 32 Eu/t unless theres some new kind of transformer or unless you power then with Solar Generators...

    That brings this idea in my head, why not give the LV Transformer/BatBox the ability to send packets lower than 32 eu/t using a configurable gui or something?

    • Official Post

    It's not possible to "color blocks".
    It does only work for new blocks being designed to be colorable.

    Assuming you meant "coloring CF Wall blocks":
    Don't see much of a reason for this. It would require Wallblocks to be recoded into an Enet entity. You as well didn't specify values regarding Loss and capacity, but i assume you want a "lol i paint my house, wire a cable into the wall and every luminator is powered" solution? Not exactly balanced.

    Wiring Lumis with normal cables works perfectly well. With the soon-to-come feature of spraying foam onto cables you can even hide them in walls, perfectly.

  • ...With the soon-to-come feature of spraying foam onto cables you can even hide them in walls, perfectly.

    Well that works too...

    :Mining Laser: HEADSHOT :Mining Laser:
    For the record "Sibire" is pronounced "sighbeer", not "cyber", "sib-ere" or "sigh-bire".