If you right click on the crops with a hydration cell it keeps using the hydration cell, even if it's used 2 seconds ago(and takes damage)
It can't be me messing around with time as I fixed that
Sorry if I've done something stupid again or Somebody already reported the bug
Edit: Fertilizer does a similar effect
Edit 2: It stops consuming fertilizer after a few clicks but hydration cells still don't work

[Bug 1.64] Hydration cell and fertilizer not working properly
First intended as a design concept, you can "overhydrate" crops. Clicking them again while they're hydrated will reverse the effect. Thus you can stack hydration up and down all day long.
Changed in the next release though, kinda stupid design idea.
Also are the empty hydration cells supposed to persist? i have two empty ones that still make the swinging motion (i don't know if they are still watering things). can you do anything when they are empty?
Also are the empty hydration cells supposed to persist? i have two empty ones that still make the swinging motion (i don't know if they are still watering things). can you do anything when they are empty?
Depleted ones are no longer working, you can throw them into lava or keep them.