Support Request: Deleting all compressors, how to?

  • A couple of weeks ago, I reported a problem with my SMP server (http://forum.industrial-craft.…page=Thread&threadID=4101)

    My server has been offline since then, since my users wasn't really ready to downgrade their 1.1 clients. Last night, one of my users brought to my attention, that the wiki (on the pump) had been updated to say:


    Completely broken for 160++ will crush map\SMP world if multiple pumps attached to single compressor.
    To restore world change ID of compressor - this will remove any placed compressor TE from world on next load.

    The users, that have not already found other servers, are more than willing to have all their compressors erased, as long as it brings our world back. I've tried changing the id in IC2.cfg for "guiIdCompressor=" to all sorts of different ids. Already occupied ids, available ids, negative id. I've also tried deleting the line altogether, but all to no avail. Am I doing it wrong? Is there another way to change the compressor id?

    Alternatively, is there any kind of time frame as to when a fix could be released, and are there any indication if the next version will actually restore old broken worlds?

    Thanks in advance.


  • There are tools setting the ID of a certain block to Air (or something different).

    But you might try to use the compressorID with something else. So just give the compressor a new ID (anything free) and give... let's say reinforced stone the ID of the compressor. All compressors should become reinforced stone. But since there might be Metadata attached to the Block it might still crash.