I currently have my experiments set up like so:
Is this good? I like things organized. Please tell me if Im failing horribly.
Good experimentation method?
looks really cool im prob going to do that but without sighns.
Q: How (far) do plants chceck for air ?
All surrounding 8 tiles, as well as a "straight line to the sky".
It's using the vanilly skymap, thus everyone complaining about "omg each crop iterates to sky, eats cpu" will be shot.
Surrounding tiles must be non-opaque and not crops to be considered air.Q: wjat is the air quality?
A value ranging from 0 to 10, indicating the quality of air and the space the plant got to grow.
Influenced by height, obscuration (other crops around the crop in question) and obscuration (to sky).
Influences growth rate and is important for growth requirements of more complex plants.Not sure if it helps so much, but still.
from my experimentation for the best possable breeding system use
ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttto = wood W=water P=plant to breed S=cross breeding stick e=Empty t=torch
this can be shorter or longer but no matter wat when you breed 2 plants theres gona be 2 spots not good enough for air and i usualy put signs under the plants to keep track of stats but this keeps you from walking on them and give you the best setup to mass breed or quality breed your choice
also a ive found a + sign breeding with 4 different plants makes for a great way to get new plants tho it takes a while for the middle to grow
edit i will try to find a better way to explain my breeding layout sorry for the confusion im sure is to ensue
I use the following design:
=Plant 1
=Crossbreeding Cropsticks
=Plant 2
=Any Block
Yeah i guess i need to give them more air. maybe move the signs to the bottom?
Yeah i guess i need to give them more air. maybe move the signs to the bottom?
yeah put them on the bottom also more air you need the 3 infront and 3 in back to be open air so you get the max air cuz while it counts 8 theres always 2 plants being used to breed
I use the following design:
=Plant 1
=Crossbreeding Cropsticks
=Plant 2
=Any Block
unfortuanently your breeding design only gives the plants 5 of the possiable 6 open air spaces while not major it does slow down breeding and growth
I have planted up to sticky read in a sort of a enclosed underground farm. I bet air quality its like hydratation and fertilizer in determining what stats the cross will get.