I am posting this as a bug because realistically machines would not be accepting input voltage until you flip the switch EG perform an operation. the ct of installing a machine in a high voltage environment should not trigger a detonation until the machine is activated for the first time. this will give the player a chance to replace a broken machine in a high voltage grid and install the proper upgrades without having to break down complex wiring just to protect the machine for the 2 seconds it takes to add a transformer. when was the last time you saw an electrician installing an appliance while it was turned on??

Machine will imediatly explode when placed on a high voltage grid without giving you time to install transformers
Intended. Try to feed it fully using a battery before wiring it
err... I fail to see how this is a bug. It's rather simple: place machine down, add transformers than wire it for power.
It does use some power before it's even activated to fill it's internal storage buffer. -
Or just do the wiring first and then place the machines.
splitter cable anyone?
shutdown lever?
redstone controlled output?is anybody here?
Nope, i think the nut is empty (Kinda willy wonka reference), just sayan.
the whole reason i posted this is because i DID do the wiring first and i cant install the machines because they explode before i can add the transformer upgrade to the expansion slot.
and the reason i am posting this as a bug is because it is inconvienant to have to shut down your entire power grid to replace or add a single machine to a large system. to do as you suggested would involve halting the entirew production line or digging under the aray and wasting time and effort to cut a single cable than install the machine and go back through the tangle of wiring to reattach it. completely unfeasable and annoying
If this is intended behavior than you should add some method of installing the transformer upgrade before placing the unit eg craft the unit plus the upgrade.
but i fail to see why you would intend this behavior as it serves no purpose. it is one thing to allow a machine to explode if you try to USE it with improper voltage but there should be a method to replace a machine on a live circuit. how hard would it be to add say a 20 second delay to the explosion. when you look at it there is no reason not to do it and there is no real abuse potential
i mean i am not asking for alot here just some convienance
Not a bug, working with active hv lines is dangerous
Lol now i understand, i though you were using the actual transformers, not the upgrade module. Lolllllllll. I think that nut may indeed be empty.
Anyway just remove the cable that goes into the machine (If only one cable is going into the machine of course), then set up the machine, install the modules then replace the cable. Voila problem solved with a little logic.