ever been working on a building and been like uh oh i cant extend this scaffold any further. than you climb down to the bottom and build another support pillar. well how about adding a gravity toggle. hold m and right click to turn on gravity. any scaffold placed with gravity turned on will drop like gravel forming a new pillar without the inconvenience of climbing down to the ground or placing a random stone support.

[Suggestion] Gravity Toggle for Scaffolds
That's actually a pretty good idea. I like it.
I like the idea, too.
Kinda goes against the idea of scaffolding in a way. Some might say "If you want it to to behave like sand, use sand." but that overlooks the really nice feature of scaffolding cleaning up after itself when you knock out the bottom block.
Would need a second block type (or damage code for the existing scaffold block)
A shift+rightclick to place in Gravity mode would be bad since shift is used to stop yourself falling when placing blocks.
Yeah, M+rightclick would be OK (although I'd rather see a different key used since Rei's map default is M for Map).
Identical texture. -
I like the idea, too.
Kinda goes against the idea of scaffolding in a way. Some might say "If you want it to to behave like sand, use sand." but that overlooks the really nice feature of scaffolding cleaning up after itself when you knock out the bottom block.
Would need a second block type (or damage code for the existing scaffold block)
A shift+rightclick to place in Gravity mode would be bad since shift is used to stop yourself falling when placing blocks.
Yeah, M+rightclick would be OK (although I'd rather see a different key used since Rei's map default is M for Map).
Identical texture.Press M while holding scaffolds to change mode . Gravity mode <-> normal mode.
how about if you use a reinforced scaffold then the attached side pieces become infinate if they are also reinforced? that way when you start slinging CFoam around you don't end up with extra support columns all over the place. what i do as it, is i simply make the roof 2 thick, that way when i spray stray up or down i and just spray the little bits overhanging from the opposing side. atleast that's how i build my castle. this way also if you make it into a 2 story building you can paint the cieling one color and the floor above another.
i suggested a m click toggle because it is used by most of the tools in ic2 that have alternate modes like the mining laser and electric wrench
I like the idea, too.
Kinda goes against the idea of scaffolding in a way. Some might say "If you want it to to behave like sand, use sand." but that overlooks the really nice feature of scaffolding cleaning up after itself when you knock out the bottom block.
Would need a second block type (or damage code for the existing scaffold block)
A shift+rightclick to place in Gravity mode would be bad since shift is used to stop yourself falling when placing blocks.
Yeah, M+rightclick would be OK (although I'd rather see a different key used since Rei's map default is M for Map).
Identical texture.