I did some crafting(real life that is) in last couple of years and I don't remember a toolbox exploding in my face with its content when one of my hands is holding a tool .
Maybe it would be a good idea to change current IC toolbox into actual toolbox that you can open as a separate tool inventory(like alchemical bag in EE or backpack in forestry) with predetermined slots i.e. drill can go only into drill slot and chainsaw into its own, and space is limited so you can put maybe one tool but not the other. That way its useful(at least i believe it will be more useful than it is now) and not OP as a separate inventory .
Plus the tool box can be made apgradable - simple one to carry
more advanced to carry
even more advanced maybe, etc
and possibly a separate one to carry small IC stuff like
(electricians do have those).
So, again, non-exploding toolbox for IC items only. We dont want ppl carrying cobble stone in it.
Suggestion: changing jack-in-a-box tool box into regular toolbox with specified slots
the exploding part is a bug i believe if your inventory is full. so make sure your inventory isn;t full when you open it,
so... have you ever tried to open a toolbox that's in your arms while holding a mining pick, an axe, a hoe, a few rocks, and a couple of tiki torches? go try and do that in your garage, i'm sure the toolbox will fall out all over the place.
but on a serious note, i agree, a toolbox should not go shooting out all over the place even if your inventory is full, specially on a SMP server cause people might try to take your tools or they might fall into lava.
So, again, non-exploding toolbox for IC items only. We dont want ppl carrying cobble stone in it.
Why only IC items? Why not add (unless there's already something similar) an IsTool flag, and restrict the toolbox to those? That way other mods could apply this flag and allow their tools to be carried in the box. Thinking of RP2 screwdriver/saws, BC/Forestry wrenches, RailCraft crowbar/surveyors and so on.
Non-tool items being disallowed makes perfect sense, but why should other mods' tools be excluded?
so... have you ever tried to open a toolbox that's in your arms while holding a mining pick, an axe, a hoe, a few rocks, and a couple of tiki torches? go try and do that in your garage, i'm sure the toolbox will fall out all over the place.
not if you have tools affixed inside of it(in plastic slots). Logically speaking current tool box looks and works as an oldfashioned tool box - its a box with tools piled in it and it explodes on you if you drop it. But we are talking IC here! Lasers, UU,
- exploding boxes for tools don't fit the theme!
QuoteWhy only IC items? Why not add (unless there's already something similar) an IsTool flag, and restrict the toolbox to those? That way other mods could apply this flag and allow their tools to be carried in the box. Thinking of RP2 screwdriver/saws, BC/Forestry wrenches, RailCraft crowbar/surveyors and so on.
Non-tool items being disallowed makes perfect sense, but why should other mods' tools be excluded?
great idea! super trans-mod toolbox for tools only, with limited space. may require some coordination on developers' part but otherwise its brilliant!
great idea! super trans-mod toolbox for tools only, with limited space. may require some coordination on developers' part but otherwise its brilliant!
How limited? If there's room for a fully assembled chainsaw and jackhammer, it's already pretty big. Since it can only handle tools and not stacks of resources, personally I'd rather leave enough room to accomodate plenty of mods' tools.
Off the top of my head, there are in the mods I use:
12? IC2, drill, chainsaw, eu-meter, cutter, tap, wrench, dynamite remote, cf sprayer, frequency thingy, electric hoe, mining laser, thermometer.
2 RP2, screwdriver/saw. 3 if you also have a basic saw for handling soft stuff.
3 RC, crowbar, signal block surveyor, signal tuner.
1 each BC/Forestry: wrench.That's at least 20 and I'm certain I forgot some, and doesn't include vanilla-type tools, tfbp or bats/crystals. Nano-saber deliberately left out, if you have one, it's almost certainly on your hotbar.
How limited? If there's room for a fully assembled chainsaw and jackhammer, it's already pretty big. Since it can only handle tools and not stacks of resources, personally I'd rather leave enough room to accomodate plenty of mods' tools.
I just dont want the toolbox to become an alchemy bag for tools. very convenient but OP. might as well just get a separate mod with huge bag in it
Yeah alchemy bags are just plain bonkers. Maybe keep it simple and just use the chest GUI, 27 slots?
That sounds like a backpack. Maybe just the top row from one.
I want a sonic screwdriver. Just combine all of the tools in those tech based mods, Buildcraft, Industrialcraft, Redpower, Railcraft, any other tech based mods, and have it just enable the crafting ingrediants and functions depending on the mod added.
Would be so much easier.
I want a sonic screwdriver. Just combine all of the tools in those tech based mods, Buildcraft, Industrialcraft, Redpower, Railcraft, any other tech based mods, and have it just enable the crafting ingrediants and functions depending on the mod added.
Would be so much easier.
how about a "Swiss Army Tool Assembly" that you can combine with any tool to add that tools functionallity to the assemply. so like if you take a saw and a drill and add it to this this then it will do the functions of bother with the items values added to it, then if you add a diamond sword then it gains a knife on the Swiss army knife assemply and does more damage to enemies, add a Broanze Wrench... you get the idea, but i wnader how you'd use this or set it up to add other mods tools item values and cabalities to it, maybe with the use of a canning machine to ram the items in. i'm sure alblaka could come up with a way
You will need a way to select instrument. Even with a chainsaw you need both mouse keys to operate. You need mode key to operate wrench.
Durability/charge will add a mess too.
But I want Combine of Diamond Drill & ChainSaw with double battery.
EE Katar and some "Paxel" are well known. -
You will need a way to select instrument. Even with a chainsaw you need both mouse keys to operate. You need mode key to operate wrench.
Durability/charge will add a mess too.
But I want Combine of Diamond Drill & ChainSaw with double battery.
EE Katar and some "Paxel" are well known.ok then how about for each tool you add it adds a "mode" to it, toggled with M and right click, that way you could set it for Drill, Chainsaw, Nano-saber, "MINING" laser, Electric wrench, Iron Wrench (buildcraft no EUs consumed for other mods tools.) maybe even a FreqTrans, EU detector, and OV Scanner?
Electric wrench use Mode key for itself. I mentioned it. May be not clear enough.
Electric wrench use Mode key for itself. I mentioned it. May be not clear enough.
true, true... hmm, perhaps make it always use it's function at the cost of alittle more energy since this swiss army assembly would have more energy storage then your normal electric wrench, kind of like how it would use a mining laser only in Mining Mode.
Do not want ranged "tools" in such knife.
So no laser, please.
And as a side note: Is it so hard to make common wrench for all forged mods? Let block know "wrench" behavior and turn to next possible position block, which do not know. -
Do not want ranged "tools" in such knife.
So no laser, please.
And as a side note: Is it so hard to make common wrench for all forged mods? Let block know "wrench" behavior and turn to next possible position block, which do not know.if you don;t want the Mining Laser in your Assembly then simply don't intergrate it into YOUR assembly.