Opened upon request, because currently forum disallows most people to create threads.

Suggestion: Achievements
First and foremost, tech level achievments, when you achieve your first LV, MV and HV items. And of course for nuclear power. Probably for achieving electric tools as well. Should be fairly easy to come up with achievments. On my lunch break at the minute, so don't have time to flesh out the list. Looking forward to see peoples suggestions.
and there should be a few funny achievements too like blowing up a creeper with a nuclear reactor or dynamite.
or kill a zombie with you chainsaw -
My ideas in no specific order:
Achievement 1: "Double Income!" - Make a Macerator.
Achievement 3: "Try shocking me now!" Triple insulate a HV wire.
Achievement 2: "Sweet Hum of EU!" - Make a Generator and turn it on.
Achievement 4: "Bronzeman!" - Make a full suit of bronze armour
I do apologize Alblaka. I looked to see if you had opened this up for me, but I didn't see it and this has been one of the longest and hardest days of my life. Above though is my ideas for using the achievement system. I had more ideas, but right now my mind is lost in the fact that we are about to lose a dear family member. I will expand on it more when everything settles down again, because I had a great idea for flowing the achievements together.
I finally had a chance to sit down and try and do a bit of labeling in fireworks. This is only an example of Tier 0 to Tier 1 achievements.
As it says in the image, I don't know how many achievements can be added to the game, but this would serve as a guide for players who are trying to swim through all the complex machines and items to give them a basic guide to building in the IC2 world.