How do you guys normally plan out a base?
I'm not talking about a general 'house', I'm talking about a fully automatic underground evil-base type thing.
Planning out a base
Planning? A Base? Yes i plan a bit. First off i mark an exact chunk (16x16 aligned to the chunkgrid) to be my Tower.
Then, after i improvised a workshop there, i will build a RP- or BC-Factory in the first Basementlayer to produce "stuff" automatically so i will not have to Macerate or Smelt it manually.
Maybe i'm pumping Lava for Energy, depending on IC²-Addons, which are affecting Energyproduction (like advanced Solarpanels), in the second Basementlayer (under the Factory). Did i said that my base is ever build upon a Lavalake?
The layer 0 (above the Factory) is for my Workshop, where i'm putting stuff into the Factory and receive the finished Products to Craft anything i need. also theres the Only Surfaceentrance to my Tower (if there is one).
After i build my Tower a bit higher with many empty rooms for the Enchantmentable, the Bed and other stuff, i will add the Roof where my Crops are Planted in direct Sunlight, and add a few Advanced Solars on top of the roof if they are installed.
moment i have to place my netbook in another Lecture-room...Edit: that Room had bad WIFI, so i had to wait until i'm home now.The Advanced-Solarpanels-Mod (there are more than one) i'm using is not the "put 8 Panels around a Transformer"-Mod it's THIS more expensive Mod where the Superpanels are costing Iridiumplates and UUM made by SeNtiMeL.
Plan??? i don't.
My base is based on what i find. If i find a nice-looking cave i go in there, wall it up and put a door in front of it. Torch it up and VOILA! a cave.
If i find redpower rubber trees (playing on self-made pack that is near technic-pack) then i go hollow out the middle block, go up, and after a certain height i clear out a area in the tree. Put a door and again you have a base.
In very rare occasions (plains with a few trees) i will make dirt hut for survival (you know them), then expand it later on for these
I consider huts to be best given that you have plenty of space to expand it because you can easily put tonnes offor power. Tree houses are still good as
is one of my main source of power. Caves are like the really worst option becase you will not have
. I have, therfore, used the Rocket Science Sub-mod of IC2 which adds a generator that needs less maintaence than
and that i consider
to be useless. Well, the cost of the fusion reactor(the rocket-science generator) is that it costs a FRIKING lot of resources. I have to work for several real-life days, even using EE2, just for that (given that it uses 8 reactor chambers and a advanced machine block.