Support Request: [1.81] Generator making Machines Explode

  • Hi!, i was trying 1.2.3 and IC2 V1.81 and when im trying to actualy start making the machines i got a problem.... i place the generator, put in some coal, next to it i put the macerator and as soon as it touches the generator it explodes... the same thig happens with a batbox and using copper cable to have it at a longer distance.

    Thank you

  • Kinda strange, if i'm not wrong, a generator output is 10 EU/t so if u connect macrator, batbox and chopper cable there must'n be any problem (because they accept up to LC, 32EU/t, thery are thinked for this purpose)...
    It sounds to me a version incompatibility problem... Have u the correct Forge version? if not upgraded ofthen cause problem like this...