Suggestion: Electric Lighting

  • A number of powered lighting blocks would be useful.

    • a basic status indicator lamp that is red when not powered and glows green when powered (luminance 7?)
      - this would not draw power itself but would operate similar to an installed EC-meter and indicate if a line is currently hot
    • normal electric lighting (luminance 14)
    • flood lamp (luminance 15) - don't think game allows any brighter than this, which is a shame, because flipping on the generator to melt zombies with artificial sunlight is very attractive...
    • additionally, lighted cables themselves would be nice (cable + indicator lamp, possibly only 6 lumens?).

    To make powered lights most effective, however, it would also be nice to have a switch that powers a circuit in darkness (an anti-solar panel).


    Status LED - glass + copper dust + insulated cable
    Light Bulb - 3 tin + glass + uninsulated copper cable + insulated copper cable
    Flood Lamp - 2 light bulb + 2 insulated copper cable
    Lighted Cable - status led + cable

    Real LED filaments are made from an alloy of gallium, which is usually found in zinc/aluminum... neither of which do we have. Tin might therefore make more sense chemically as a filament material, but copper is both redder and greener ;)


    you need to run a search for repeat suggestions before posting this is one is very common revamping luminators is already on alblakas list

    till then you could do this if you put an induction furnace in heat-up mode on the end of the cable to constantly drain the power to trigger the detector cables. like this
    .[induction furnace]--[detector cable]--[spliter cable]--[power source]
    ..........[lever].........[redstone lamp]........[lever]

    true balance is impossible in video games the best one can hope for is to make it really hard to guess which of 2 choices are better.

  • [*]a basic status indicator lamp that is red when not powered and glows green when powered (luminance 7?)
    - this would not draw power itself but would operate similar to an installed EC-meter and indicate if a line is currently hot

    Cool thing! I guess if is possible to make directly in the insulation... sadly all the new cable suggestion is denied...

    [*]flood lamp (luminance 15) - don't think game allows any brighter than this, which is a shame, because flipping on the generator to melt zombies with artificial sunlight is very attractive...

    WANT IT NOW! 8o:thumbup:


    you need to run a search for repeat suggestions before posting this is one is very common revamping luminators is already on alblakas list

    till then you could do this if you put an induction furnace in heat-up mode on the end of the cable to constantly drain the power to trigger the detector cables.

    Heh, sorry :) I did actually search for about 15 minutes, and didn't see any indicaton of an approved lighting idea. I even deleted the post once when I saw that a similarly named suggestion (but what was really just head lamps) was on the denied suggestions list. Oh well :P

  • yeah some people here don't like repeats of regected ideas either. your idea has a nice spin to it and you did run a search so just consider this a warning for the future

    true balance is impossible in video games the best one can hope for is to make it really hard to guess which of 2 choices are better.