[1.90] Geothermal Generator Bug

  • Hello, when I dismantle the Geothermal Generator( :Geothermal Generator: ) it sometimes becomes a regular Generator( :Generator: ).
    I have done a test when I dismantled 165 Geothermal Generators 14 of them became regular Generators.

    I have only the following installed.

    • Minecraft 1.2.4
    • ModLoader 1.2.4
    • ModLoaderMP 1.2.4 v1
    • minecraftforge-client-
    • IndustrialCraft² v1.90

    :Geothermal Generator: + :Wrench: = sometimes :Generator: :wacko:

    I am sorry if this been submitted before.
    I looked for it but didn't find it.