Suggestion: Real life resource on varieties of Hops and their different flavors, aromas and bitterness levels to be adapted to IC² (?)

  • Hello ! I don't usually browse this forum, and to be honest, I haven't played Minecraft and IndustrialCraft for a while (1.8.1, if I remember correctly), but I follow closely new features on mods I'm interested in, just so I'm not totally behind when I finally decide to play again.

    I was browsing Reddit today, and found this poster: . It represents on a graph a wide range of various Hops with their different properties. I have no precise idea on how they might be implemented, or if Alblaka will be interested in them, but IC² might borrow these properties and, for example, change bitterness to negative buffs and aromas to positive ones, while still following actual real-life varieties !

    TL;DR: Found a graph on real-life Hop varieties, do what you want with it !

    Lurkally yours,


    Edit, added from following posts:

    - It's less than a suggestion; I provided data I found, because I thought it could interest people (and/or the dev). Do what you want with it; ignore it, discuss it, use it, use parts of it. Whatever. It's some interesting data to possess nonetheless if you want to mess with beer production.

    - This is a crystal clear datasheet, easy to understand and to apply, should you want to. I found it to be also pretty relevant and adaptable to the buff system found right now in IC2 beer.

    PS: If needed, I'm usually idling on the IndustrialCraft IRC channel.

  • Pretty much what sebra said, why?

    The system its simple enough so lets keep it that way, no reason to overcomplicate stuff when IC2 isn't exactly know for complex stuff (Nuclear reactor maybe the semi exception, although the system its pretty simple and straight foward)

  • It's less than a suggestion; I provided data I found, because I thought it could interest people (and/or the dev). Do what you want with it; ignore it, discuss it, use it, use parts of it. Whatever. It's some interesting data to possess nonetheless if you want to mess with beer production.

  • I could "Provide" data about how nuclear reactors works and shit, but that doesn't mean they will make the nuclear reactors in the game work exactly like that or something because there is a clear line between rl and minecraft (Although that line lies more in how much skill, time and creativity the devs have).

    All in all, data means squat if you are not going to use it for something, and data can be easily found with a 10-20min search with google so meh.

  • This is a crystal clear datasheet, easy to understand and to apply, should you want to. I found it to be also pretty relevant and adaptable to the buff system found right now in IC2 beer. Plus, hey, it's only easy to find if you know what you're looking for, otherwise ...