Hello ! I don't usually browse this forum, and to be honest, I haven't played Minecraft and IndustrialCraft for a while (1.8.1, if I remember correctly), but I follow closely new features on mods I'm interested in, just so I'm not totally behind when I finally decide to play again.
I was browsing Reddit today, and found this poster: http://i.imgur.com/edPN1.png . It represents on a graph a wide range of various Hops with their different properties. I have no precise idea on how they might be implemented, or if Alblaka will be interested in them, but IC² might borrow these properties and, for example, change bitterness to negative buffs and aromas to positive ones, while still following actual real-life varieties !
TL;DR: Found a graph on real-life Hop varieties, do what you want with it !
Lurkally yours,
Edit, added from following posts:
- It's less than a suggestion; I provided data I found, because I thought it could interest people (and/or the dev). Do what you want with it; ignore it, discuss it, use it, use parts of it. Whatever. It's some interesting data to possess nonetheless if you want to mess with beer production.
- This is a crystal clear datasheet, easy to understand and to apply, should you want to. I found it to be also pretty relevant and adaptable to the buff system found right now in IC2 beer.
PS: If needed, I'm usually idling on the IndustrialCraft IRC channel.