Question: Inventory problems

  • Hi everyone!
    I have a problem, not really sure if IC related, but I run a server that contains IC2, buildcraft, forestry, redpower, NEI and railcraft (1.2.5, just updated to 1.9b after I saw the problem). So, my server ran smoothly, and the next day I experienced problems with item stacking, mainly that I can't actually move the same kind of items into the same stack (vanilla and modded, I randomly get bugged stacks from both), it just sort of "blinks back" to the original state ant throws out one of the stacks as I close down my inventory. Right now, I got both forge and modloader mp installed and I just read somewhere that I shouldn't do that with ic2, but as far as I know, some of these mods still require both of them, does it has to do anything with that?

    • Official Post

    No good Tech-Mod requires MLMP and make sure, you've not installed a bugged version of Forge. MLMP causes many issues with Forge, uninstall it immidietly.

  • Ok, got rid of MLMP, seems fine now, testing more when we hang around on the server again. Thanks!
    Edit: Nope, still doing it -,- Now I try to get rid of the bugged items, maybe...

  • Hi !

    I have exactly the same problem, sometimes items of the same type don't stack when they should. I've noticed it some time after I started messing around with crops, don't know if it's related. It can affect all kinds of items, vanilla ones included.
    I use IC² 1.95 as only mod (with modloader and forge, I didn't get MLMP so it's not the cause).

  • Ya, the cropnalyzer will make things not stack properly. (anything on the hotbar)

    If you remove everything from the hotbar that you aren't going to be using in the analyzing process, it will help to avoid the problem.