I am having problems installing the mods manually and automatically. Could you help?
What is your problem?
I am having problems installing the mods manually and automatically. Could you help?
What is your problem?
Couple notes before I forget:
Couple notes before I forget:
- Probably want to disable /weather, since usually people are fighting over it depending whether they use solar or wind, or just if they like/dislike rain.(already disabled)
- Probably want to disable World Anchors since most people do not understand all the consequences of using them (like the combination with RP pumps huge range past the loaded chunks = terrible for lava lakes and oceans) and the others are abusing them. They are perfect for RailCraft with the slow Ovens or with the Tunnel Bore but they make too many other mods OP, like anyone with a terrible EU production design just has to log after a week and swim in UU-Mat. At least limit to 1 Anchor per region max (and none in the Nether). (Nothing to say about it) [Just because i have a design which makes on average 1.5K EU/t
, even if world anchors are disabled i don't care ?]
- Definitely want to protect mod chests if possible. I am perfectly happy with IC2 Personal Chests but people like to use Ironchests and do not know how to seal their base properly, so yeah lots of robbery drama. I guess it goes for protecting as many mod blocks as possible... (LWC plugin does that if configured, i was asking for that long time)
- Define some rules for RP quarry mining. Entire areas of the map are now looking like chunk errors as far as you can see and this is retarded. Until RedPower gets more reasonable with balanced power management and not magic block breakers which only require redstone signal and motors which can move huge frames just like 1 block, then yeah. (Already fell into one, tought it was a chunk error
, A way to solve map land getting ruined is making a "mining world" or disable quarries like that)
- Enable PvP globally so that we can defend against intruders. People can still decide to remove it on a per region basis. (Remove globally, activate inside regions, are fairly nice to me) [Or if you are crazy enough, you can set up some tesla coils and fry your enemy.]
- Have the management script restart the server every couple of hours (like maybe twice a day should be enough) to clear the memory since something seems to be leaking and eventually brings the server to a crawl and crash. (Done by Xela)
Only thing i would like to ask is a new mod : Backpacks, like here :
It would be very convenient for players which wan't to carry lots of stuff and has to do many travels for that.
Server has been updated.
I updated the Mod Pack, as well as the Texture Packs.
Edit: Updated the server again. Added new version of RailCraft.
The modpack and Texture Packs have been updated.
I'm getting this error when trying to connect :
Yeah i am getting the same thing as SpwnX also
I'm getting this error when trying to connect :
Seems like my server is not able to reach the Minecraft Servers to verify peoples usernames. I can fix this by setting the server to offline mode. But I don't want to do this. Maybe we should just wait this out.
Actually. I decided I have had to many issues with this server. I am going to try and find a new host for the server.
So expect the server to be down for about a week. Sorry.
I rather have a new reliable host then stick with this host for another month.
Seems like my server is not able to reach the Minecraft Servers to verify peoples usernames. I can fix this by setting the server to offline mode. But I don't want to do this. Maybe we should just wait this out.
Well, for now you could set offline mode with whitelist.
To check if a person has premium :
http://www.minecraft.net/haspaid.jsp?user=SpwnX (this is my example)
So everybody who wants to play while apply for whitelist here. (and must have premium checked by you)
And if possible, check for player logins on log and add its names to whitelist.
Well, for now you could set offline mode with whitelist.
To check if a person has premium :
http://www.minecraft.net/haspaid.jsp?user=SpwnX (this is my example)
So everybody who wants to play while apply for whitelist here. (and must have premium checked by you)
And if possible, check for player logins on log and add its names to whitelist.
I rather not have a whitelist. Its not that I don't want people who don't have premium joining my server. I could care less. I just rather not have the server in offline mode.
Okay, its up to you.
But i really want to play
Hmm yeah I stopped bothering when the server was crashing every 10min. I will be back when it's stable again
Actually you may want to wait until Forge is a little more stable too and doesn't get 5 updates a day and use IC2 1.97b when it's ready (notice the "b" )
Until Timmie picks a new host you can join tc.nothgieh.com, your changes will be uploaded to the new host also the IP will be re-linked to that host
I just noticed we are getting both RedPower and IndustrialCraft ores now (at least copper and tin). Pretty sure we used to have only IC ores initially, so I am guessing somewhere along the line RP ores generation got turned on without matching the block IDs or something (not sure if detection is automated or not nowadays, or if it happened with some of the mess with Forge versions and the ores dictionary). No big deal but it is a bit annoying to have to deal with double stacks. Probably cannot fix it now that the ores are in the wild (unless you do an offline world search&replace but the map is quite big so it may take a while) but something to keep in mind for the future.
I just noticed we are getting both RedPower and IndustrialCraft ores now (at least copper and tin). Pretty sure we used to have only IC ores initially, so I am guessing somewhere along the line RP ores generation got turned on without matching the block IDs or something (not sure if detection is automated or not nowadays, or if it happened with some of the mess with Forge versions and the ores dictionary). No big deal but it is a bit annoying to have to deal with double stacks. Probably cannot fix it now that the ores are in the wild (unless you do an offline world search&replace but the map is quite big so it may take a while) but something to keep in mind for the future.
Have not been on the server that xela set up. I assume he must of reinstalled redpower causing the config to reset.
I just bought a server. So lets see how long it takes to get online.
Kaomie, I noticed that a few weeks back, my server folder/settings are identical to the one being hosted on the last server, with the exception I'm no longer uploading backups to myself every 2 hours.
thank xela : )
Kaomie, I noticed that a few weeks back, my server folder/settings are identical to the one being hosted on the last server, with the exception I'm no longer uploading backups to myself every 2 hours.
Yes the chunks I am digging were also generated some time back. I am thinking this is happening since the upgrade of RP2PR5 to the b2 version, whenever that was a couple weeks ago. A lot of the World had been discovered prior to that, so only some areas will be affected. That is within the 2000x2000 region at least.
I'm having an issue with the mod pack auto installer, I keep getting this crash screen report:
Mods loaded: 24
ModLoader 1.2.5
mod_CodeChickenCore 0.5.2
mod_Railcraft 5.3.2
mod_RedPowerControl 2.0pr5b2
mod_RedPowerCore 2.0pr5b2
mod_RedPowerLighting 2.0pr5b2
mod_RedPowerLogic 2.0pr5b2
mod_RedPowerMachine 2.0pr5b2
mod_RedPowerWiring 2.0pr5b2
mod_RedPowerWorld 2.0pr5b2
mod_WirelessRedstoneCore 1.2.1
mod_WirelessRedstoneAddons 1.2.1
mod_ReiMinimap v3.1 [1.2.5]
mod_ImmibisCore 49.0.4
mod_IC2 v1.95
mod_IC2AdvancedMachines v4.0
mod_IC2_ChargingBench 1.95b
mod_CompactSolars 2.2
mod_IronChest 3.3
mod_Shelf 1.2.5 FML
mod_TubeStuff 49.0.5
Minecraft has crashed!
Minecraft has stopped running because it encountered a problem.
--- BEGIN ERROR REPORT 711ae66 --------
Generated 7/2/12 11:28 PM
Minecraft: Minecraft 1.2.5
OS: Mac OS X (x86_64) version 10.7.4
Java: 1.6.0_33, Apple Inc.
VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Apple Inc.
LWJGL: 2.4.2
OpenGL: NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M OpenGL Engine version 2.1 NVIDIA-7.28.1, NVIDIA Corporation
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Slot 240 is already occupied by eloraam.logic.BlockLogic@20c39410 when adding ic2.common.BlockResin@82db73e
at pb.<init>(Block.java:249)
at pb.<init>(Block.java:281)
at ic2.platform.BlockCommon.<init>(BlockCommon.java:12)
at ic2.common.BlockTex.<init>(BlockTex.java:30)
at ic2.common.BlockResin.<init>(BlockResin.java:28)
at mod_IC2.load(mod_IC2.java:175)
at ModLoader.init(ModLoader.java:891)
at ModLoader.addAllRenderers(ModLoader.java:189)
at ahu.<init>(RenderManager.java:86)
at ahu.<clinit>(RenderManager.java:14)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.a(Minecraft.java:394)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(Minecraft.java:732)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:680)
--- END ERROR REPORT 47a6502 ----------
From what I can tell, a couple of the mods are volleying for item slot 240 and when it tries to assign 2 items to that spot it is creating an error and crashing the game. Do you know of a fix? Like is there a way to change one of the files to make it where there aren't 2 items trying to use item slot 240?
I do not use the installer so I cannot tell for sure, but it should work with the default configurations for all the mods. It is possible the installer does not exactly reflect the mods versions loaded on the server right now...
This particular ID does not even match either BlockLogic or BlockResin on my setup... Attached is the ID map which I currently have for this server.
You can try and remove all the configurations (subfolders "config" and "redpower" inside ".minecraft") to try and re-generate all the IDs properly. Note that this may wipe all customization you have made depending if you are using any other custom mods, so make a backup first if this is not a dedicated install!