Okay, I was making iron fences, and I thought "Ooh, it would be lovely to hook up the fence to an HV Transformer and zap creatures." I tried hooking up a copper cable, didn't work. So, my suggestion is (maybe) writing in the option to electrically charge the fence and zap things! (Much like a tesla ) Just a thought.
Suggestion: Electric Fence
I haven't played the beta yet so I don't know how accurate this is but, I believe I saw something on HV cables that were not insulated shocking people. I now it was like that in IC1. It did it even when it was buried one block down in the ground. Just do that or raise the HV cable up to 1 or 2 blocks high. But if this is not how it works. then by all means I am for an electric fence.
Using HV cable should actually work (or so i hope..), but i would say eletric fence would be more interesting (both in art and logic).
Using HV cable should actually work (or so i hope..), but i would say eletric fence would be more interesting (both in art and logic).
As stated in the release notes: shocking from HV is not implemented yet, should be coming soon.
As stated in the release notes: shocking from HV is not implemented yet, should be coming soon.
What does that have to do with making an electric fence? O.o
This isn't a "Will HV Cables shock you?" It's a "Can we hook up HV cables to an iron fence to zap things?" -
While this would be rather cool, you can achieve the same effect with un-insulated cables. Even Tin (LV) ones shock you now.