There is something that disturbes me - when you place several uranium cells next to each other,the reaction goes faster and with more heat,right? so,Uranium cells should,obviosly,be getting used up faster.

[Suggestion] Uranium depletion
- Sliderpro
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If they get depleted faster, then the amount of damage done to the reactor and the components will be lower and everything should be re-scaled/balanced to work with it, so no.
Simple math will show you of constant matter to energy value in this case.
I mean effectiveness would be one always.
Bad idea. -
Why should it? Typically,you would run either unheating and unexploding config,where with my change would mean nothing,but cycle lenght - or heating config for far more energy,which you monitor with timer - having to check reactor a bit often won't affect overall reactor peformance.
Stanalone cell working time and cells standing next to each other and having same working time for xN energy?Nobody likes the idea of making things more difficult,but that's the price of thing being more adequate. Same working time is frigging overpowered and casus reactors are obviosly showing it -
Simple math will show you of constant matter to energy value in this case.
I mean effectiveness would be one always.
Bad idea.1 cell gives 10kk eu,2 give 20kk,2 cells next to each other give 40kk - double efficiency for same resorces
3 cells next to each other give how much more than 3 non-touching cells? a lot more.
Which math? -
There is something that disturbes me - when you place several uranium cells next to each other,the reaction goes faster and with more heat,right? so,Uranium cells should,obviosly,be getting used up faster.
the point of pairing uranium cells is to get more eu out of each cell if the cells get used up faster then they lose this benefit and there is no point in building large reactors which some people do for fun. now ask you self "do i want to piss off these guys who know how to make nukes by taking away their favorite toy?"
I didn't specify the value,by which cells get used up faster.To lose this advantage in 2 cells reactor,cells must deplete 2 times faster.Thats too much,obviosly.What makes you think,that cells cant deplete,like,10% faster per 1 cell attached?They sure can and you won't lose that benefit.
1 cell gives 10kk eu,2 give 20kk,2 cells next to each other give 40kk - double efficiency for same resorces
3 cells next to each other give how much more than 3 non-touching cells? a lot more.
Which math?2 cells next to each other give 20kk because of faster depletion. Are you forgot?
Even if depletion not proportional different cell can deplete at different time - not useful.
Are you want to decrease "mind effectiveness" ? -
I didn't specify the value,by which cells get used up faster.To lose this advantage in 2 cells reactor,cells must deplete 2 times faster.Thats too much,obviosly.What makes you think,that cells cant deplete,like,10% faster per 1 cell attached?They sure can and you won't lose that benefit.
first you make quoting FAIL fix it
second tweaking nukes is serious business cause you can screw up peoples worlds by turning safe reactors in to explosive ones. i don't think your changes are worth the effort
third if you want a harder game play terrafirma craft -
2 cells next to each other give 20kk because of faster depletion. Are you forgot?
A single uranium cell produces two million EU alone, two cells next to each other produce eight million. The reactor masters are competing on who fails the most on reactor math and nerfing reactors...
A single uranium cell produces two million EU alone, two cells next to each other produce eight million. The reactor masters are competing on who fails the most on reactor math and nerfing reactors...
Thats the joke of the efficiency system of uranium cells, if they are consumed faster by placing them nearby they would produce less energy making them less efficient, maybe even less than when placed alone. And like i told you, if you cut the number of cycles/tick the uranium cells give, then the damage done to the nuclear reactor and the internal components would be a lot less because you are cutting the number of cycle/ticks.
2 cells next to each other give 20kk because of faster depletion. Are you forgot?
Read again.Depletion is customisable value.You may get 40kk,may get 30kk,may get 60kk
Even if depletion not proportional different cell can deplete at different time - not useful.
Are you want to decrease "mind effectiveness" ?...
For some reason,cheating is useful,but bad,why? It is useful.
Things are not measured by *pleasure* you get from them.Remaking solar recepie from 2 cables to circuits wasn't *useful* for player either. -
first you make quoting FAIL fix it
second tweaking nukes is serious business cause you can screw up peoples worlds by turning safe reactors in to explosive ones. i don't think your changes are worth the effort
third if you want a harder game play terrafirma craftI wonder,how?
I enjoy it,thx -
You! Stop with the double-triple posting already, Sebra im also looking at you >.>
And that "..." only post was HIGHLY unncesesary.
You! Stop with the double-triple posting already, Sebra im also looking at you >.>
And that "..." only post was HIGHLY unncesesary.
srry srry mister
post edited
Thats the joke of the efficiency system of uranium cells, if they are consumed faster by placing them nearby they would produce less energy making them less efficient, maybe even less than when placed alone. And like i told you, if you cut the number of cycles/tick the uranium cells give, then the damage done to the nuclear reactor and the internal components would be a lot less because you are cutting the number of cycle/ticks.
Yes,less effective.Nope,not less,than alone.
Damage? I'm pretty sure,that almost everybody with a brain learned several reactor config for several situations and not getting any damage.Still,If they didn't,they will have less damage as well as a smaller amount of energy.That's fair. -
The reactor masters are competing on who fails the most on reactor math and nerfing reactors...
I'm not reactor master and had used wrong digits
and used wrong
Also sorry about doublepost.
Anyway bad idea. -
Why you dont edit your posts instead of double/triple posting? Why?!
If you are smart enough you can do multiple quotes in a single post.