Watermill Question + Crafting Problem

  • Hello.

    I was having a couple of (minor) issues.

    First, I built a water tower, under 40 blocks high, using tin cable, housing around 20-30 watermills, which produces EU for a back up power supple, not nearly strong enough for my main power supply...Anywho, sometimes when I start back playing, my Water tower is not generating EU. It goes from a water tower to a bat box to a MFS. If I remove the tin cable going to the Bat Box and replace it, it starts working again, and if the bat box is full but the MFS isn't, I have to remove and r\put back the cable going to the MFS. Is this a known problem? Or anything else I can do, cause I usually forget to check up on it to see if it's working.

    Also, I can not craft a wire cutter or a bronze hatchet. I put the recipe in right, I know that, it just doesn't give me the item.

    Thanks in Advance.


    • Official Post

    First of all, not the Watermills are bugged, its THE WIRE ITSELF. Everytime you reload a wirecontaining Chunk, it has to be updated (replaced) to function properly. Also this Bug is known.

    For the crafting:
    Did you misplace refined Iron with normal Iron? Look closer at the Recipe.
    Did you use COPPER instead of BRONZE? Becuase it will not work woth Copper.

  • Well then...

    So the bronze axe works. Just not both ways like stone or iron...

    And the wire cutters, I missed that the bottom two metals were iron, I was putting it all as refined iron.

    Also thank you for letting me know about the wire issue, and for helping me out on my other two "issues"

    Thanks friend :)